No Man’s Sky: How to Save Game

No Man’s Sky is a survival game where you need to explore, trade, fight, and durvive as you travel through a wide procedurally generated galaxy. Meet a range of extraterrestrial aliens and learn about their distinct cultures and civilizations. Survive in a harsh galaxy by fighting pirates or collaborating with other explorers. 

In No Man’s Sky, there are three ways to save your progress. Firstly, saving occurs when you exit your spaceship. Secondly, you can utilize beacons to save your game at specific locations. Finally, players have the option to create a portable save point, providing flexibility in saving progress across different points in the game world. 

Save by exiting your ship

You can simply exit your ship to record your progress in No Man’s Sky. Every time that you do this, it will automatically record your progress.

Use beacons to save your game 

  • Look for the waypoints and interact with a beacon that’s there.
    They appear as a white question mark within a green circle. Beacons usually have a flag near them with some cargo boxes. 
  • You need to use them to save your game. 

Portable Save Points

  • The last method to record your game progress is by constructing a portable save point and adding it to your inventory. 
  • After that, save your game by simply interacting with it.

We have covered all the methods to save your game in No Man’s Sky.