This guide will let you know how to fix the Rebel Bubble Password Trouble for LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga. Go through the guide and follow all the steps carefully to fix it.
If you go into Gungan city and you’ve started on episode one, there are a lot of password puzzles in the game, and they all function the same way; you need a protocol droid which is a character type. To complete all the password puzzles, you first need to find the password location. You get the protocol droid to extract the password from a device; then, you have to bring the protocol droid to this location to use the password to open the container and complete the puzzle.
So if you’ve started the game and started episode one, you can’t do this immediately. You have to progress in the game until you’ve got a protocol droid, and then you can unlock it. So if you’ve progressed far enough to get the protocol, you will also get a hero. You have to come to the bubble location when you get one of those in every chapter early in the game.
It is in the southeast bubbles, and there you will find a big bubble. So now you need to go there; as you can see, it’s not very far, so you need a hero to access this terminal, and also you need to unlock the terminal. After that, go back inside and use your trusted protocol droid, so Steve Rupio is the only one having you hack this device.
It will give you the password, tap square secret rebel stash to get the password and then you have to return to the container to get the reward. Most of these functions are the same; you will always need a protocol droid, and you will also need some other character type. So if you’re going to play lego for the long haul, you don’t want to plough through it and quit it. Go through the story of all nine episodes and get as many characters as you can, making this process a lot easier. You can use it on the device.
Make sure you set the correct password. If you put the wrong password, it will not work. So you have to input the right password to complete the quest.