Red Dead Redemption 2 is the sequel to the 2010 game Red Dead Redemption and is set in 1899. It follows Arthur Morgan, a former outlaw who must find redemption to bring peace to his family. The second installment of the series was developed by Rockstar Games and published by Rockstar Games on October 26, 2018, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows.
How to Use This Trainer?
Firstly, extract the zip file by using the Winzip program, then run the .exe file (trainer file) after that run the game, now you’ll be able to use the following commands.
Keys | Actions |
Numpad 1 | Infinite Health |
Numpad 2 | Infinite Stamina |
Numpad 3 | Infinite Dead Eye |
Numpad 4 | Infinite Horse Health |
Numpad 5 | Infinite Horse Stamina |
Numpad 6 | Infinite Ammo |
Numpad 7 | No Reload |
Numpad 8 | Infinite Items |
Numpad 9 | Set Game Speed |
Important: This trainer only works with version 1.0 of this game.