Resident Evil 7: How to Save Game

Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 is a first-person shooter game. Explore the horrific world of Resident Evil 7 and learn the Baker family’s secrets. In furious combat, they face up against scary foes, including the Baker family. In this horror-filled adventure, you must solve baffling secrets to survive and discover what happened to your missing wife.

Resident Evil 7 offers players the convenience of an auto-save feature that consistently saves progress, alongside a manual save option allowing them to save their game whenever they wish. 

Auto-Save system 

The auto-save system of Resident Evil 7 automatically records your progress at all the important points within the game. 

How to save the game manually?

Follow the steps below to save the game manually:

There are rooms that house tape recorders that allows you to record your progress.  Once you encounter one, it will be marked on your map as an “S.” You just have to make your way there and record your game progress.  

We have covered all the methods to save your game in Resident Evil 7.