With the new Casino Heist update, you can unlock an exclusive weapon by solving the mystery of the Los Santos Slasher. There are five clues that you have to find to trigger this special event. This guide will let you know how to complete the challenge, and it will also provide you with the location of all the clues.
You will find the first clue on this location, as shown in the image below.
For the next clue, you will need to go to the following location on the map.
You will find the third clue on this location, as shown in the image below.
For the next clue, you will need to go to the following location on the map.
Differently from the previous four clues, the fifth one has 5 possible spawn locations.
There are five possible locations to get the fifth clue.
Possible location 1:
The first possible location is marked on the map below.
Possible location 2:
You may find the clue on this location.
Possible location 3:
The 3rd possible location is marked on the map below.
Possible location 4:
You may find the clue on this location.
Possible location 5:
The last possible location is marked on the map below.
Once you find all the clues, wait for the killer to spawn, and be ready to kill him. If you die, he will keep trying to ambush, and kill you.
He will only spawn in Blaine County at night, between 7 PM and 5 AM.
You will need to kill 50 players and/or NPCs with this weapon to complete the Navy Revolver Challenge.
You will receive GTA$200,000 and unlock an exclusive discoverable weapon in Red Dead Online.