This is a complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Serial Killer guide. You will be able to get easy & fast money and RARE Items.
There are three clues that you have to piece together and it does not matter in what order you find these.
The first clue
The first clue is located just southeast of Valentine. It is a good one to get as soon as you get into Chapter two, it’s underneath this train track bridge and the clue is posted on a little support beam on the side.
The second clue.
The next one is a little bit further away. It is just south of Wallace station; it’s still pretty close to Valentine’s.
You’ll find the second one in a field on this big rock and this time it says ‘do you see’.
You’ll find a severed head with another note inside of the guy’s mouth and you’ll find them on the rock just to the left.
The third clue
The final one is pretty far away. It is probably the toughest to get to if you’re just starting the game for the first time because it is a place that you’re gonna have to journey to and you probably won’t have any stagecoaches.
It’s just to the east of Braithwaite manor and it’s actually on the ‘S’ of that meadow woods right there on the map.
It’s a Boulder blade and you’ll find that, unlike a super overgrown tree, it has roots that you can climb on and the text says behold again.
It’s the same way, it’s the top half of the torso that’s strung up. From there, you can actually find the third and final clue, the severed head. It’s on the backside of the tree in a bush and you can take the note out and it will complete the map.
Now you have to go to your satchel if you want to view the entire map and it is what it looks like. It is three parts, you can see it looks like it’s a small bridge leading into the woods and then a destroyed cabin with what looks to be a cellar and a combination lock of 63432. From there, you just have to figure out where that is and this is definitely the hardest part because the clue isn’t super obvious as to where precisely it’s located.
But don’t worry because that’s why you got this guide. It’s located just to the west of Valentine’s. Most of the clues and things you’re gonna be dealing with taking place near Valentine’s. It is the one that is the furthest away, so it will probably be the most difficult. It’s called Lucky’s cabin.
Once you pull into Lucky’s cabin, you will notice that it does have a lot of the same traits like the buzzards and the bodies and stuff like that. When you reach Lucky’s cabin, you will find that there’s a cellar there. Open the door, and you can end up going inside and what you’ll find inside is incredibly creepy. It looks like the dungeon of a serial killer. He’s got knives and weapons and there are blood and body parts everywhere.
It is recommended that before you go any further, you should grab your lantern from your horse because it is really difficult to see in there.
There are also a lot of things that you can check out. There’s a letter that he is writing to the editor and it’s not sure if this is him writing about himself in the third person.
Then all of a sudden, someone strikes Arthur and in this encounter, he says nasty and creepy things.
But luckily Arthur had a head right next to him that he was able to throw at the serial killer’s face.
Then he hogtied him up and took him to the sheriff. From there, it is pretty straightforward, you just have to go back to Valentine.
Go to the sheriff’s department and you can actually turn this guy in but what happens next is even crazier.
So this serial killer turned into like a werewolf vampire who tried to go for this sheriff’s neck, and then you had to end up shooting him and save the sheriff’s life. For that, you do get a nice cash reward, so completing this is a good way to make money in Red Dead Redemption. $20 so far is the largest amount granted.
That is how you complete the serial killer mission, technically the mission is called American Dreams.