Serious Sam 4 – Controls Guide

Welcome to the fourth installment in the Serious Sam series. This title features an innovative weapon system that allows you to carry an infinite amount of weapons, such as shotguns, a minigun, a sniper, and a grenade launcher. There are some adjustments made in Serious Sam 4 from the previous games. 

In this guide, you’ll find all the Controls to play Serious Sam 4.

Move forwardW or arrow upPress W or arrow up to move forward
Move backwardS or arrow downPress S or arrow down to move backward
Strafe leftA or arrow leftPress A or arrow left to Strafe left
Strafe rightD or arrow rightPress D or arrow right to Strafe right
Jump/swim-upSpacePress space to jump/swim up
Crouch/swim downLeft controlPress left control to Crouch/swim down
Look rightRightPress Right Arrow to look right
Look leftLeftPress Left Arrow to look left
Look downDownPress Down Arrow to look down
Look upUpPress Up Arrow to look up
Primary fireLeft mouse clickPress left mouse click to use primary fire
Aim/secondary fireRight mouse clickPress right mouse click to aim fire
ReloadRPress R to Reload Weapons
SprintLeft shiftPress left shift to sprint
Toggle sprintNonePress none to toggle sprint
Use/MeleeEPress E to use melee
Grappling hookNonePress none to use grappling hook
Show weapon wheelScroll wheel clickPress scroll wheel click to show weapon wheel
Weapon selection ModifierLeft altPress left alt to weapon selection modifier
Toggle Dual WieldingNonePress none to toggle dual Wielding
Gadget selectionZPress Z to Use gadget selection
Next weaponMouse wheel up or ]Press mouse wheel up or ] to next weapon
Previous weaponMouse wheel down or [Press mouse wheel down or [ to previous weapon
Toggle last weaponXPress X to toggle last weapon
NetricsaFPress F to netricsa
Third person viewHPress H to third person view
TalkYPress Y to talk
Use voice communicationTPress T to use voice communication
Enter voting modeF5Press F5 to enter voting mode
Quick save/toggle player listNonePress none to quick save/toggle player list
Invoke menuF10Press F10 to invoke menu
Invoke menu or exit testEscPress Esc to invoke menu or exit test
Activate consoleF1 or Tilde (~)Press F1 or Tilde (~) to activate console
PausePausePress Pause to pause
Take screenshotF11Press F11 to take a screenshot
Same game menuF2Press F2 to Open same game menu
Load game menuF3Press F3 to load game menu
Quick saveF6Press F6 to quickly save
Quick loadF9Press F9 to quickly load
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