This guide will help you increase your performance in Eden Rings. You need to make changes in the game settings, graphics settings, game graphics settings, and in the rtss menu. You also need to set your frame rate to achieve the best performance/FPS in Elden Ring.
First, you have to boot your game, and then go to an area where you can find tons of objects in the distance, which is quite demanding. It will give you a mixture of your visual settings and how they are going to change.
In-Game Settings
You have to press escape and then head to the bottom left side of the screen. Head down to the system and it will take you to the Game Options Menu.

You have to make very quick and easy settings here. Go to the Sound and Display tab and change your device’s on-screen prompts to Keyboard and Mouse.

After that, go to the Graphics tab, and you have to apply a bulk of optimization settings.
1.1– You have to set the Screen Mode to full screen because full screen gives you the best result.

1.2– You have to keep the resolution to default settings for now.
1.3- After that, go to Advance settings and set all the options according to your system. If you have a high-end system, you can set everything to high, and if you have medium-end systems, then you have to set all these settings to the medium position. If you have a low-end system, you have to set the settings to low.

After doing all the graphic settings, go ahead and press escape to go back inside your game. You will feel a little change in the performance of the game.
Resolution Settings
Now you have to tackle the in-game resolution settings which are very important to increase your FPS. It is where you will get the most of the optimization. Press the escape button, go to the Graphics settings and click on the resolution tab. A drop-down menu will appear.
There are two different parts of resolution settings for two different Systems.
2.1- For High-End Systems
In the case of high-end systems, you will have a ton of more GPU performance available and you can enable the NVidias brand new feature which is NVidias deep learning dynamics super-resolution. As you can now take your game to a higher resolution which will make it look very beautiful.

2.2- For Med and Low-end Systems
If you are using a slow or medium-end system and you are struggling to achieve 60 FPS, then you can use NVidia’s nis or NVidias image scaling technology to render a lower resolution inside of the game. With having NVidias image scaling technology up-sample to your native resolution looks fantastic and also provides a fantastic FPS bump.
NVidia Setting
For this, you need to go to your desktop and right-click on it. You will find the NVidia Control panel option there, click on it.

For this to work, you have to make sure that you are running the latest version of the NVidia drivers. After that, head to the adjust image settings with preview to ensure that the middle option titled use the advance 3D image settings has been selected if it is not then select this and click on apply.

3.1- Now head to the left-hand side and go to manage 3D settings to enable the NVidias image scaling technology. Then go to the option image scaling, click on it and a new small window will appear, you have to enable the GPU scaling and sharping. You can set your sharping factor according to your choice, as it doesn’t have any relation to performance. You also need to enable the overlay indicator and click on OK.

3.2- For NVidias deep learning dsr factor, you have to navigate down in the nVidia setting menu, and you will find the dsr factor selection, click on it and a drop-down menu will appear. If you are running on NVidia RTX-based GPU regardless of how old or new the GPU is, you are running on a newer GPU driver. When it comes to deep learning Scalings, you will have two options to use, you need to enable both options and click on OK.

Graphic Settings in Game
4.1- For Higher-end Systems
After doing all the NVidia settings, you have to reboot your game for the new settings to be available. Once you are inside the game, press the escape button and head to the bottom left to open system settings. Go to the graphic settings tab and you can now navigate to the resolution. You will now find that now you are running on 4K and in the drop-down menu, you will get two more options that are 5120×2880 and 5760×3240. It will work at 1080p and also at 1440p where you will also have higher options.

Now head back to the game, and you will feel a great difference, the colors will be really good. In case you are running on 1080p or 1440p, upscaling is a really good option.
4.2- For lower-end Systems
For the lower-end Systems, the NVidia NIS system is a good option. Head back to the System settings, then go to the graphic settings and navigate to the resolution menu, for this you have to make sure that your NIS is enabled. Then you will have the option of 1836p, and 1660p, or any other option in the drop-down menu. There is no limit on how low you can go, it really depends on your personal choice. You can keep going lower until you get your desired performance.

Performance Optimization
You have to do a few settings for smoother gameplay and performance. It will also fix screen tearing issues.
5.1- First of all, go to the NVidia control panel, head to manage 3D settings, and navigate to program settings. Select a program to custom, go to the right-hand side to add and then select Eden ring from this list.

After that, scroll down to find vertical sync, change it to currently, and turn it on. It will solve the horrible screen tearing issue.

Go to the bottom left side of your screen and tap on Services. Click on the name section, scroll down to the d section and find device association service. You have to right-click on this service and select Stop. If you feel anything is not good in your mouse or keyboard or in your system, then you need to come back to this service and turn it on.

Now you have to set up a complete 60 FPS cap inside of the game and you will need to use rtss or river tuner statistics service for this. To download and use rtss, you have to install MSI afterburner into your PC. now the bottom left of your screen search for river tuner and click on it. If you don’t have downloaded this to your PC, then you have to click on the link below to download the latest version available. Now to open the RTSS, go to the right bottom of the taskbar, and you will find a blue screen monitor, click on it.…

You will find that your application detection level is about medium. To add Elden ring to this program, you have to go to Steam, right-click on the game, and head to properties. Now go to local files and click on browse.

A new folder will open up and you have to find where the Elden Ring is installed. After finding where the game is installed, go to rtss and select Add at the bottom left. Then go to where your game is installed and add Elden ring.exe.

After adding this file into rtss settings, you need to head to the frame rate limit option, set it to 60, and then press enter. After that, minimize the rtss setting and head back to the game. You will notice that your frame time stability is incredibly stable.