Spirit of the Island – Controls Guide

Welcome to Spirit of the Island, a tropical adventure game where you play as a young man on a quest to save his homeland from ruin. You have to complete the coming of age ritual and your adventure begins on a distant island, deep in a tropical Archipelago.

In this guide, you’ll find all the Controls to play Spirit of the Island.

MovementW A S DPress W A S D to Move
Quickslots1-9Press 44805 to Use Quickslots
PauseEscPress Esc to Pause
RunLeft ShiftPress Left Shift to Run
Defense / CancelRight Mouse ButtonPress Right Mouse Button to Use Defense / Cancel
ActionLeft Mouse ButtonPress Left Mouse Button to Use Action
Creation MenuBPress B to Open the Creation Menu
FlashlightFPress F to Flashlight
QuestQPress Q to Quest
StatsTabPress Tab to Use Stats
InventoryIPress I to Open Inventory
SkillsVPress V to Use Skills
MessagesNPress N to Open Messages
MapMPress M to Open Map
CalendarCPress C to Open Calendar
DiaryXPress X to Open Diary
RelationshipsRPress R to Open Relationships
FinanceZPress Z to Open Finance
Cancel / BackEscPress Esc to Cancel
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