Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order is a fighting game with a single-player mode. It is developed by Respawn Entertainment and directed by Stig Asmussen. It is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Google Stadia, and Microsoft Windows. In this game, you’re a Jedi Padawan, who also uses a lightsaber. In addition, you have access to the Force. Both are used in combat and puzzles. The game’s bosses include Force-wielding Inquisitors who are hunting Cal. They are accompanied by bounty hunters, large vehicles such as AT-STs, and wild beasts.
Where is the save game folder in Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order?
You can find the Star Wars: Jedi – Fallen Order save file in your user directory. You have to open Windows Explorer and go to Saved Games. Then you need to go to Respawn and double-tap on “JediFallenOrder” to access the file.
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Saved Games\Respawn\JediFallenOrder\
How Do I Install the Save File?
First, you will need to download the save game file and extract it with the help of WinZip. After that, you have to copy the save file to a save games location and make sure to have a backup of your save.
Important: Always back up the save file before replacing it with the new one.
Download Save File:
The game is 100% completed and everything is collected and unlocked in this save file.