The Best Shooting Badge Method in NBA 2k22

In this guide, you will get to know the best shooting badge method in the NBA 2k22: Current Gen. It is worth knowing the steps, and you can have more fun playing the game.

The first thing you need to do is come to the Settings and ensure that the difficulty is set to Pro. Now go to your Controller Settings and select the Off option for Shot Meter. You have to maximize the Dead Eye and Mismatch Expert if you are a beginner. 

Once you have made the changes, you need to start the game. After getting into the game, you need to press right on the d-pad and call for a half-court trap if you can call plays. It will speed up the AI Defence and help you to take the ball faster. After getting the ball, you will need to call for a screen; you need to walk beside your defender and take a shot slowly. 

It is the reason to have the Dead Eye and Mismatch Expert. If you have a lower 3 Point Rating, you have to apply the same steps from the corner; it will get easier. You will need to do the same steps, and you can do the best shoot. You can play the game on twelve minutes quarter length, but if you play the game on the five minutes quarter length, you can get the shooting badges in a game. 

It is the best shooting badge method in the NBA 2k22: Current Gen, and you can have more fun playing the game.     

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