The most struggling part of Chapter 4 is the statues part. This guide will let you know how to escape the moving statues in The Mimic.
It’s a little tricky, but with practice, you’ll be able to succeed.

The trick is simple; you will need to climb up the wall on the left side.

When you see the first tree, look at the wall on the left side.

After that, you have to go to this particular part.

And walk up by pressing the jump continuously.
You can freely walk a short distance when you’re on top. Every time you encounter a part where you cannot walk, face the wall and keep on clicking jump.

In this particular spot, you must try your best to climb up.

Walk slowly and again every time you encounter a part where you cannot walk; just face the wall and keep on clicking jump.

Your main objective is not to go lower, so you have to keep on clicking jump while moving.

You will get stuck in this part. Just pull away, moving backward facing the wall, but don’t do it too much and continue.

Keep on clicking that jump button while moving forward.

Once you’re near the exit, there will be nothing left to step on, so just let go and drop.

There is still a moving statue around this part, so don’t turn your back on them yet. Keep walking backward until you reach the grassy part.