The New Way To Make Hay in Coral Island

If you are keenly interested in playing Coral Island, this guide will teach you a new method of creating hay to feed your animals. So, getting hay from the mill to feed your animals work no longer.

Build Yourself A Silo Or Dehydrator

For this reason, you must build your silo, which is later a dehydrator. Keep two fibres in the dehydrator, and it will yield hay. Unluckily, in the later game, finding fibres become very difficult. Several players needed help to discover the fibres in the advanced stages of the game. The ideal way is to visit Sam’s and purchase a few grass initiators. When you reach Sam’s, purchase 30 separate grass starters or initiators; for example, if you have nine animals to be fed, 30 will probably last the season greatly.

Prefer Grass Over Hay

Now you have to spread this grass throughout the place, and soon it will grow. You must do it all season, not just for this but for every season. This method will work great even in the winter. The grass is less expensive than hay and grows more quickly. The hay comes with 30 bucks, whereas the grass comes with 10. Remove the hay, making it greatly similar to grass rather than utilizing the hay. Ensure you have left your animals out every morning whenever you do this. After waking up, it is the first thing you should do every daybreak. When they are all outside, collecting your eggs will become easier.

Make Your Animals Happy

There is a ranch shop above your farm; you can go there. They are selling hay if you want to purchase and utilize it. But it is expensive enough. It isn’t easy to discover fibre, so the fibre cannot rely upon. To feed your animals in the late game, it would be best to make hay whenever possible, or you can buy hay on the side and during rain. The hay has become almost unimaginable, and only the grass starters can be purchased. You may have your place completely covered with grass to make your animals happy and content.

The Upshot

Finally, making and purchasing grass is a lot better than hay. And it saves not only time but money as well. So, don’t go for the overpriced hay; choose grass instead to be carefree and your animals happy all the seasons.