Pokemon Go is an adventure game for mobile phones that tasks the players to explore the world and discover new pokemon. You will need to complete the Pokedex with pokemon and then train them to battle against other pokemon. Your pokemon will grow as you progress in the game, and you can also team up with other trainers.
The most prominent pokemon in tier S are Abomasnow and Alolan Ninetales, while Charizard and Drifblim are best in the A tier. Clefable, Forretress are the leading pokemon in the B tier. Alolan Muk and Flygon rank in the C tier, while Gyarados and Hypno rank in the F tier.
Switch Class Ultra League Tier List
These characters are good backup options to the strong characters.
Alolan Ninetales and Cresselia are the leading characters in the S tier, while Lapras and Shadow Muk are the most prominent ones in the A tier. The most prominent characters in tier B are Dragalge and Drapion. Crustle and Excadrill rank in the C tier, while Aromatisse and Clefable rank in the F tier.
Closer Class Ultra League Tier List
The most prominent characters in the S tier are Blastoise and Cresselia. Alolan Muk and Alomomola are the leading characters in the A tier, while Escavalier and Hitmonchan are best in the B tier. Excadrill and Gengar rank in the C tier, while Banette and Dragalge rank in the F tier.
PvP Ultra League Tier List
Registeel and Cresselia are the leading pokemon in the S tier for PvP. The most prominent characters in tier A are Muk (Alolan) and Shiftry, while Whimsicott and Lanturn are the best ones in the B tier. Kyogre and Mewtwo rank in the C tier, while Miltank and Tyranitar rank in the F tier.
S Tier
Abomasnow, Alolan Ninetales, Articuno, Cresselia, Galarian Stunfisk, Registeel, Shadow Nidoqueen, Scrafty, Steelix
A Tier
Charizard , Drifblim, Giratina (Altered), Lapras, Mandibuzz, Meganium, Mewtwo (Armored), Swampert, Talonflame
B Tier
Clefable, Forretress, Shadow Drapion, Shadow Politoed, Shadow Zapdos, Umbreon
C Tier
Alolan Muk, Flygon, Ho-Oh, Likilicky, Primeape, Regirock, Shadow Gliscor, Skarmory, Snorlax, Venusaur
F Tier
Gyarados, Hypno, Lucario, Lugia, Obstagoon, Suicune
Switch Class Ultra League Tier
S Tier
Alolan Ninetales, Cresselia, Drifblim, Mew, Politoed, Registeel, Shadow Abomasnow, Shadow Suicune, Swampert, Zangoose
A Tier
Lapras, Shadow Muk, Shadow Nidoqueen, Shadow Snorlax, Skuntank, Umbreon
B Tier
Dragalge, Drapion, Genesect (Burn), Machamp, Meganium, Pelipper, Regice, Shadow Magnezone
C Tier
Alolan Muk, Flygon, Ho-Oh, Likilicky, Primeape, Regirock, Shadow Gliscor, Skarmory, Snorlax, Crustle, Excadrill, Gengar, Hypno, Lugia, Roserade, Steelix, Talonflame, Tangrowth
F Tier
GyAromatisse, Clefable, Milotic, Seaking, Shadow Crobat, Shadow Poliwrath, Shadow Scizor
Closer Class Ultra League Tier List
S Tier
Blastoise, Cresselia, Galarian Stunfisk, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Regice, Regirock, Registeel,
A Tier
Alolan Muk, Alomomola, Heracross, Hitmontop, Mewtwo (Armored), Shadow Venusaur, Skarmory, Steelix, Swampert, Talonflame
B Tier
Escavalier, Hitmonchan, Ludicolo, Sirfetch’d, Typhlosion, Umbreon
C Tier
Excadrill, Gengar, Jellicent, Kingdra, Lapras, Shadow Zapdos, Uxie, Zekrom
F Tier
Banette, Dragalge, Lanturn, Melmetal, Poliwrath, Shadow Muk, Serperior, Snorlax
PvP Ultra League Tier List
S Tier
Registeel |
Cresselia |
Stunfisk (Galarian) |
Abomasnow (Shadow) |
Talonflame |
Abomasnow |
Swampert |
Giratina (Altered) |
Steelix |
Politoed |
Regirock |
Swampert (Shadow) |
Ninetales (Alolan) |
Articuno |
Perrserker |
Mandibuzz |
Ferrothorn |
Nidoqueen (Shadow) |
Umbreon |
Meganium |
Politoed (Shadow) |
Regice |
Articuno (Shadow) |
Lapras |
Lugia |
Mewtwo (Armored) |
Scrafty |
Lickilicky |
Venusaur (Shadow) |
Clefable |
Lapras (Shadow) |
Magnezone (Shadow) |
Giratina (Origin) |
Drapion (Shadow) |
Gengar |
Zapdos (Shadow) |
Skarmory |
Drifblim |
Forretress |
Shiftry (Shadow) |
Snorlax |
Venusaur |
Charizard |
Skarmory (Shadow) |
Suicune |
Sandslash (Alolan) |
A Tier
Muk (Alolan) |
Shiftry |
Drapion |
Nidoqueen |
Machamp |
Mew |
Escavalier |
Genesect (Burn) |
Blastoise |
Lucario |
Zangoose |
Gliscor (Shadow) |
Gyarados |
Gyarados (Shadow) |
Snorlax (Shadow) |
Ho-Oh |
Primeape |
Obstagoon |
Granbull (Shadow) |
Milotic |
Sirfetch’d |
Virizion |
Machamp (Shadow) |
Skuntank (Shadow) |
Cradily |
Flygon (Shadow) |
Hitmontop |
Skuntank |
Flygon |
Piloswine |
Poliwrath (Shadow) |
Serperior |
Suicune (Shadow) |
Muk (Shadow) |
Dragalge |
Bellossom (Shadow) |
Piloswine (Shadow) |
Whiscash |
Charizard (Shadow) |
Hariyama |
Gliscor |
Aromatisse |
Electivire (Shadow) |
Heracross |
Sceptile |
Sylveon |
Muk |
Raikou |
Togekiss |
Ninetales (Shadow) |
Typhlosion |
Jellicent |
Pelipper |
Raikou (Shadow) |
Bellossom |
Hitmonchan |
Slurpuff |
Zapdos |
Magnezone |
Roserade |
Bronzong |
Crobat (Shadow) |
Jirachi |
Tangrowth |
Cradily (Shadow) |
Excadrill |
Poliwrath |
Empoleon |
Ninetales |
Chesnaught |
Melmetal |
Ho-Oh (Shadow) |
Altaria |
Blastoise (Shadow) |
Honchkrow |
Pangoro |
Hypno |
Tangrowth (Shadow) |
Toxicroak |
Scizor (Shadow) |
Stunfisk |
Hitmonchan (Shadow) |
Seaking |
Crobat |
Hariyama (Shadow) |
Forretress (Shadow) |
Deoxys (Defense) |
Electivire |
Scolipede |
Glalie |
Granbull |
Cloyster |
Alomomola |
Dragonite (Shadow) |
Goodra |
Blaziken |
Dragonite |
Ludicolo |
Pinsir (Shadow) |
Dewgong |
Glaceon |
Raichu |
Crustle |
Victini |
Cloyster (Shadow) |
Gastrodon (East) |
Gastrodon (West) |
Zekrom |
Cobalion |
Mamoswine |
Raichu (Alolan) |
Galvantula |
Gardevoir (Shadow) |
Gallade |
Scizor |
Genesect |
Honchkrow (Shadow) |
Kingdra |
Magneton (Shadow) |
B Tier
Whimsicott |
Lanturn |
Yveltal |
Tentacruel |
Wigglytuff |
Seismitoad |
Froslass |
Zebstrika |
Durant |
Slowbro (Galarian) |
Staraptor (Shadow) |
Pinsir |
Rapidash |
Magneton |
Mamoswine (Shadow) |
Pidgeot |
Victreebel (Shadow) |
Ampharos |
Mantine |
Uxie |
Barbaracle |
Golem (Alolan) |
Moltres |
Magmar (Shadow) |
Gallade (Shadow) |
Eelektross |
Exeggutor (Alolan) |
Landorus (Incarnate) |
Mr. Rime |
Noctowl |
Banette |
Klinklang |
Krookodile |
Cryogonal |
Darmanitan (Standard) |
Staraptor |
Victreebel |
Conkeldurr |
Crawdaunt |
Magmortar (Shadow) |
Quagsire |
Tropius |
Quagsire (Shadow) |
Simisage |
Ampharos (Shadow) |
Luxray |
Wailord |
Aggron (Shadow) |
Bisharp |
Dialga |
Reshiram |
Leavanny |
Latios |
Sudowoodo |
Golduck (Shadow) |
Golbat (Shadow) |
Groudon |
Stoutland |
Vaporeon |
Kyurem |
Relicanth |
Entei |
Porygon2 |
Probopass |
Bouffalant |
Carnivine |
Aggron |
Amoonguss |
Electabuzz (Shadow) |
Golbat |
Mewtwo (Shadow) |
Moltres (Shadow) |
Palkia |
Probopass (Shadow) |
Golduck |
Arcanine |
Banette (Shadow) |
Vileplume (Shadow) |
Feraligatr |
Houndoom |
Metagross |
Seviper |
Celebi |
Gardevoir |
Kingdra (Shadow) |
Cherrim (Sunshine) |
Tangela (Shadow) |
Hippowdon |
Weavile (Shadow) |
Arcanine (Shadow) |
Houndoom (Shadow) |
Electrode |
Hypno (Shadow) |
Rapidash (Galarian) |
Tangela |
Garchomp |
Heatmor |
Golem |
Entei (Shadow) |
Porygon2 (Shadow) |
Rayquaza |
Manectric (Shadow) |
Vileplume |
Weezing |
Gothitelle |
Heatran |
Thundurus (Incarnate) |
Weavile |
Carracosta |
Qwilfish |
Leafeon |
Scyther (Shadow) |
Torterra (Shadow) |
Machoke (Shadow) |
Magmortar |
Omastar (Shadow) |
Torkoal |
Torterra |
Fraxure |
Omastar |
C Tier
Kyogre |
Mewtwo |
Nidoking |
Magmar |
Ursaring (Shadow) |
Donphan |
Braviary |
Infernape |
Machoke |
Metagross (Shadow) |
Greninja |
Gurdurr |
Slowking |
Dodrio |
Spiritomb |
Vigoroth |
Delphox |
Landorus (Therian) |
Beartic |
Latias |
Ursaring |
Venomoth (Shadow) |
Mismagius |
Sandslash |
Breloom |
Kangaskhan |
Simisear |
Electabuzz |
Pyroar |
Rotom (Wash) |
Weezing (Shadow) |
Chimecho |
Hydreigon |
Beedrill (Shadow) |
Jolteon |
Alakazam (Shadow) |
Haxorus |
Alakazam |
Masquerain |
Slowbro |
Zweilous |
Dusknoir (Shadow) |
Vespiquen |
Nidoking (Shadow) |
Golurk |
Sandslash (Shadow) |
Manectric |
Marowak (Alolan) |
Gigalith |
Huntail |
Blissey |
Kingler |
Mismagius (Shadow) |
Beedrill |
Sharpedo (Shadow) |
Slowking (Shadow) |
Dusknoir |
Slowbro (Shadow) |
Exeggutor (Shadow) |
Scyther |
Unfezant |
Kabutops |
Armaldo (Shadow) |
Emboar |
Grumpig |
Sneasel |
F Tier
Miltank |
Tyranitar |
Tyranitar (Shadow) |
Aerodactyl |
Cinccino |
Swalot |
Garbodor |
Munchlax |
Venomoth |
Porygon-Z (Shadow) |
Sneasel (Shadow) |
Aerodactyl (Shadow) |
Sunflora |
Exeggutor |
Simipour |
Sawsbuck |
Rhyperior |
Porygon-Z |
Armaldo |
Yanmega |
Graveler (Alolan) |
Sharpedo |
Darmanitan (Galarian) |
Grotle (Shadow) |
Lairon (Shadow) |
Maractus |
Bastiodon |
Walrein |
Chandelure |
Solrock |
Lunatone |
Shelgon |
Grotle |
Lairon |
Samurott |
Lilligant |
Rhydon |
Tornadus (Therian) |
Exploud |
Sawk |
Camerupt |
Salamence |
Walrein (Shadow) |
Salamence (Shadow) |
Thundurus (Therian) |
Beheeyem |
Gligar (Shadow) |
Gligar |
Mienshao |
Meowstic (Female) |
Cacturne |
Mr. Mime |
Marshtomp (Shadow) |
Sealeo (Shadow) |
Sealeo |
Absol (Shadow) |
Shelgon (Shadow) |
Archeops |
Darkrai |
Meowstic (Male) |
Terrakion |
Musharna |
Clawitzer |
Noivern |
Swanna |
Marshtomp |
Purugly |
Sliggoo |
Mightyena (Shadow) |
Boldore |
Basculin |
Claydol |
Jumpluff |
Jynx |
Mightyena |
Pignite |
Klang |
Azumarill |
Flareon |
Mesprit |
Jumpluff (Shadow) |
Absol |
Marowak |
Sigilyph |
Arbok |
Throh |
Graveler |
Marowak (Shadow) |
Floatzel |
Xatu |
Cofagrigus |
Ambipom (Shadow) |
Bibarel |
Arbok (Shadow) |
Octillery |
Starmie |
Runerigus |
Mr. Mime (Galarian) |
Accelgor |
Vanilluxe |
Girafarig |
Parasect |
Rampardos |
Tornadus (Incarnate) |
Lumineon |
Weezing (Galarian) |
Misdreavus (Shadow) |
Wormadam (Plant) |
Cherrim (Overcast) |
Dunsparce |
Gorebyss |
Klefki |
Ambipom |
Fearow |
Seadra |
Raticate (Alolan) |
Misdreavus |
Seadra (Shadow) |
Magcargo |
Wormadam (Sandy) |
Gabite |
Metang |
Reuniclus |
Espeon |
Tauros |
Metang (Shadow) |
Azelf |
Deoxys (Speed) |
Togetic |
Xerneas |
Furret |
Stantler (Shadow) |
Hitmonlee |
Hitmonlee (Shadow) |
Stantler |
Illumise |
Regigigas |
Volbeat |
Chansey |
Lopunny |
Audino |
Slaking |