Upstate New York Location – Fortnite

This guide will let you know how to find the chests in UPSTATE NEW YORK in Fortnite. It will provide you with the exact locations to get the chest. 

At first, you will need to make your way to this location, as shown in the below map.  

When you reach this location of Upstate New York, you can get the chest from Stark industries, but the best spot to start is near the lake where you find a house.

The other location is right next to the lake and near the first one, as shown in the image below. 

You can go for Team Rumble as well because the chest has a great spawn rate there. When you go inside the house, you will find one chest on the top of the machine. 

The next one is in another room on the top of the cabinet, as you can see in the image below. 

So now you have to find the other chest the same way, go and look around the area, and find the chest in Stark industries as well. 

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