Use This Unknown Method to Level up Fast – Arcane Odyssey

In this guide, you will find out the fastest ways to level up in Arcane Odyssey.

First, you must ensure you have a Neutral rep because you don’t want to be a hero or a villain. Make your way to the Silverhold island and take a friend who can aggro the NPC. Commodore Kai is the NPC you want to farm, and his respawn time is fairly quick.

He has a lot of HP and can one-shot you if you’re at a low level. Keep a safe distance from him, so you don’t get hit by his attack. You need to go into this room behind the wall, attack him and try to run into the room.

Keep a safe distance between the wall and him because his attacks can go through the wall. You need to spam magic attacks and keep hitting him with a range of magic attacks but don’t get too close. You will get XP as you do more damage. Putting most of your points into magic is recommended to level up your magic skills. Some marines might also come to attack you, so you must watch out for them. Commodore Kai can glitch through the wall, so ensure you are safe from him. The wall between you and Commodore is a jail cell, so you must know how to break it. You can keep on farming if you have the patience.