In this guide, you will find the places in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla from which you can attack and weaken Eadwyn’s Hold On Oxfordshire. Follow the steps below, and Good luck!
At first, you will need to go to the southwest side of the Buckingham, as shown on the map below.

After getting there, you will find some allied soldiers; these soldiers are waiting to attack. So you have to wait with them till the soldiers come and support them to fill up the bar.

After doing that, you need to go to Oxen Florida, as shown on the map below.

Once you reach there, you will find a standard bearer, waving the flag. You have to kill him and then get out of that particular area.

Now you will need to go to the fast travel point as shown on the map below.

When you reach the location, you will find the allied soldiers and some enemies. You have to fight with them, as you can see in the below image.

Now you need to head to the next location, which is closer to the last location, as you can see on the map below.

After getting there, you will find wagons with explosives. You have to blow that up; the explosion will alarm the enemies there; you need to deal with them as well.

And then you have to go to the castle as shown on the map below.

After getting near the castle, you will find more wagons with the explosives you have to destroy, the same as previous. That’s it!