This guide will let you know where to get 5 Big Sturgeon Fish for Mystery Altar in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
You will need to head to the bottom side of Meath right next to the river, as shown in the map below.
When you get there, you need to go to the riverside for fishing, use your bow and arrow because you can spot these fishes very easily. You also have to use your Odin Site skill which will help you to spot the fish, then go and shoot on the fish with a bow.
After that, loot it and kill four more Big Sturgeon fish. Once you catch them, you have to go back to Alter and hand it to them.
You also have to make sure not to miss the shot because when you miss it, the fish will swim away, and you will be unable to find them. As shown in the image below, you will need to climb on the bridge to have a good view while catching the fish.