Animal Shelter is a unique DLC that allows the players to take care of puppies and kittens from an early age. You’ll be able to watch your animal companions grow, learn new tricks, and have a lot of fun playing with them. It includes lots of other new features as well.
In this guide, you’ll find all the Controls to play Animal Shelter.
Action | Keys | Description |
Move Forward | W or Up Arrow | Press W or Up Arrow to Move Forward |
Move Backward | S or Down Arrow | Press S or Down Arrow to Move Backward |
Move Left | A or Left Arrow | Press A or Left Arrow to Move Left |
Move Right | D or Right Arrow | Press D or Right Arrow to Move Right |
Running | Shift | Press Shift to Run |
Crouch | C | Press C to Crouch |
Interaction | E or Left Mouse button | Press E or Left Mouse button to Interact. |
Secondary Interaction | F or Right Mouse Button | Press F or Right Mouse Button to Use Secondary Interaction |
Animal Status | Q | Press Q to Check Animal Status |
Rotate Object Left | Q or Left Arrow | Press Q or Left Arrow to Rotate Object Left. |
Rotate Object Right | E or Right Arrow | Press E or Right Arrow to Rotate Object Right. |
Backpack | Tab | Press Tab to Use Backpack. |
Pause / Open Menu | Esc | Press Esc to Pause / Open Menu |