Anime Characters That Could Beat Thanos

If you are a fan of Marvel’s superheroes, it is easy to imagine that they would have no problem defeating Thanos in a fight. However, if you take a look at anime characters, it becomes much more difficult. In this article, we take a look at some anime characters that would be able to beat the Mad Titan.


Zeno is a male anime character, he is 166 cm tall and has a scarf. He wears a sweatband and an earring. His eyes are cyan, his hair is yellow and long, and his bangs are long. Zeno has a carefree and kind personality.  He has the supernatural ability to be forever young, extremely durable, and able to regenerate.

Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi Suzumiya is a 16-year-old female who was born on October 8th. She is an Ultra Director and member of the Ultra Detective Brigade. Haruhi last appeared in The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya.


Simon is a human who has the ability to turn into a spiral. He was born in Giha Village on Earth, and he is known as the Digger Leader of Team Dai-Gurren, as well as the pilot of Gurren Lagann. He also serves as Supreme Commander of earth. Simon appeared in Episode 1 and ended up appearing in Episode 27.

Madoka Kaname is the protagonist of the anime series “Madoka Magica.” She has pink hair and pink eyes. Her father is Tomohisa Kaname, her mother is Junko Kaname, and her younger brother is Tatsuya Kaname. Anime Madoka Kaname was born on October 3, she is 14 years old and has a blood type of A. Her favorite color is pink and her witch form is Kriemhild Gretchen. She uses a bow and arrow as her weapon. 


Arceus is a Normal-type Pokémon, it is known as the Alpha Pokémon. Arceus is introduced in Generation 4. and its data can be found in the Pokédex. Arceus has the ability to change its type, and it is 3.2 meters tall and weighs 320 kilograms. It has the ability to control all aspects of reality and is known as the Alpha Pokémon. Arceus’s base friendship is 0, meaning it will not form any bonds with other creatures. Additionally, its base experience points are 324, making it one of the more inexperienced Pokémon out there. Arceus’s growth rate is slow, meaning that it will not reach its full potential for a while. Finally, breeding Arceus results in an Egg Groups undiscovered result which means that no one knows what types of eggs this creature lay down. The egg cycle of these pokemon is 120 (30,584–30,840 steps). 


Ryuk is a male anime character. He has 6/10 intelligence, 10/10 inquisitiveness, 9/10 initiative, 5/10 empathy, and 7/10 kills. He appears in the first chapter of the manga, and the movie Death Note: The Last Name. Ryuk appears in many video games and drama adaptations.

Usagi Tsukino

Usagi Tsukino is a civilian who transforms into a sailor guardian of love and justice. She is the protector of the moon kingdom and Crystal Tokyo. She attends Juban Public school. She has a mother, father, and younger brother. She is friends with Luna, Naru, Osaka, Artemis, Diana, and Mamoru. Her alignment is moon kingdom and Crystal Tokyo. She was born on June 30th. She is a 14-year-old anime character who is 150 cm tall and has the blood type O. She likes sweets, video games, manga, boys, and napping, but dislikes maths, English class, studying, dentists, thunder, lightning, carrots, and Rei’s meanness.


Saitama is a human male who is 25 years old and 175 cm tall. He has no alias but is known as Caped Baldy because of his bald head. He races and lives as a human male, but he can also transform into a powerful superhero known as the Absorbing Man. Saitama is a hero who lives in Z-City Ghost Town and teaches at the Hero Academy. He is currently ranked as a B-Class hero. Saitama is a superhero who does not have any superpowers. He partners up with Genos, a powerful alien to fight crime. The first episode of the anime introduced them together and the manga has been following their adventures since then.

Saiki Kusuo

Saiki Kusuo is an anime character who has entomophobia and quiet traits. He is 167 cm tall, weighs 52 kg, has purple eyes, and short pink hair. Saiki Kusuo wears sunglasses and he is a student in the anime. The supernatural abilities of Saiki Kusuo include extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, psychometry, telepathy, and extreme speed.

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