Gaijin Entertainment created Blades of Time, a hack-and-slash game. Players assume the character of Ayumi, a beautiful treasure hunter armed with pistols and swords, as she begins a mission to uncover new adventures on a strange ancient island. This place is rich in treasures and magical Chaos magic and terrible beasts.
If you are looking to host or join an online session of Blades of Time, then you have come to the right place.
Host Online
If you want to host an online session of Blades of Time, follow the steps below:
- Go to the main menu and select the “OUTBREAK” option.
- Create a new game session by clicking on “CREATE SESSION”.
- Select between “Versus” or “Co-op” mode, then select the difficulty level and map.
- Invite your friends via the Steam Invite feature or click “Invite” to invite them.
- Finally, select “Ready” to show you’re ready to play.
Join Online
Follow the steps below if you are looking to join an online session of Blades of Time:
- Go to the main menu and select the “OUTBREAK” option.
- You have to join a game by clicking on “QUICK MATCH”.
- Select “Ready” to show that you’re ready to play.
- You can simply join the game by accepting the invite if your friend invited you via the Steam Invite feature.
- Hit “Ready” to indicate that you’re ready.