Fortnite Codes

Fortnite is a popular game where you can play different characters and cooperate with your friends to build defenses that stop waves of monsters from destroying your base. The game takes place on Earth, which has been invaded by battle-mode players, who have the objective of killing all humans. This is a free-to-play game available in three modes, but it’s also available through Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and PC.

Active Codes

SDKY-7LKM-ULMF-ZKOTUse it to get a gift
SDKY-7LKM-UTGL-LHTUUse it to get a gift
SNMY9-NJ9JE-A7GHN-C54NQUse it to get a gift
XTGL-9DKO-SD9D-CWMLUse it to get a gift

Expiry Codes

3CT3L-5H6N6-2H35S-8TVX7Use it to get Spray
3QVS2-A9R27-2QFGZ-PF7W7Use it to get Banner
3QVS2-A9R27-2QFGZ-PF7W7Use it to get Taxi Banner Spray
3QVS2-A9R27-2QFGZ-PF7W7Use it to get Taxi Banner
3TGEH-3RJUV-WV5EF-BDGE7Use it to get a gift
3TGEH-3RJUV-WV5EF-BDGE7Use it to get Sits Spray.
3TGEH-3RJUV-WV5EF-BDGE7Use it to get a gift
5HE5C-B9PJ9-975DZ-RF5AKUse it to get Shaka Spray
5PGPF-VXB6P-3HYBM-PTDZRUse it to get Handoff Spray
6AQFF-N3SMY-2E6XZ-ZD3A4Use it to get Exclusive Reward
72K9P-JDGRG-NB23P-FC9B3Use it to get a gift
72K9P-JDGRG-NB23P-FC9B3Use it to get a gift
7A8D4-XAVA4-GYL72-3Y2MKUse it to get a gift
7A8D4-XAVA4-GYL72-3Y2MKUse it to get a gift
7A8D4-XAVA4-GYL72-3Y2MKUse it to get a gift
7A8D4-XAVA4-GYL7Z-3Y2MKUse it to get a gift
7A8D4-XAVA4-GYL7Z-3Y2MKUse it to get Frozen Suit
7A8D4-XAVA4-GYL7Z-3Y2MKUse it to get a gift
8XJBG-EH8SU-KBXHF-ZSMH9Use it to get a gift
8XJBG-EH8SU-KBXHF-ZSMH9Use it to get Sits Spray.
8XJBG-EH8SU-KBXHF-ZSMH9Use it to get a gift
8Z35X-3ZWAB-BC57H-EQTQZUse it to get a gift
AUBLE-4Z6GP-P3EXU-5WFHTUse it to get Shaka Spray
AVAEX-H3XFK-RAVFF-CTLC7Use it to get Rose Spray
D5ZUX-S9W7R-VP835-4PQR6Use it to get Handoff Spray
FAT6P-PPE2E-4WQKV-UXP95Use it to get a gift
FAT6P-PPE2E-4WQKV-UXP95Use it to get June Fish Spray and Bonfire Emoji
JNVK4-4UPHA-MYN43-2E2RWUse it to get Shaka Spray
LPYDF-3C79V-TTFLG-YSBQPUse it to get Nalia
MEMCE-AMLSF-7QYKS-ZAP22Use it to get Eucalyptus Spray
MK2T-7LGP-UFA8-KXGUUse it to get a gift
MK2T-UDBL-AKR9-XROMUse it to get a gift
MPUV-3GCP-MWYT-RXUSUse it to get a gift
MTZ28-LNPPJ-DRGJU-GPXDYUse it to get Spray
MYTJH-AXUFM-KA4VF-JV6LKUse it to get Free Skin
MYTJH-AXUFM-KA4VF-JV6LKUse it to get Rose Spray
NBP4S-SLUET-YWQHY-66C2ZUse it to get Spray
NCSDH-L22H9-6DB5N-VU5VEUse it to get Eucalyptus Spray
P2XY4-QB7Z8-Y6GVZ-KZZBTUse it to get a gift
P2XY4-QB7Z8-Y6GVZ-KZZBTUse it to get Quokka Spray
P2XY4-QB7Z8-Y6GVZ-KZZBTUse it to get a gift
P2XY4-QB7Z8-Y6GVZ-KZZBTUse it to get Free V-bucks
PAX7N-79CGE-NMW6T-C9NZGUse it to get a gift
rlfac-dvx9y-7n4f7-lukckUse it to get Tune Squad LeBron James cosmetic
SDKY-7LKM-ULMF-ZKOTUse it to get a gift
SDKY-7LKM-ULMF-ZKOTUse it to get a gift
SDKY-7LKM-UTGL-LHTUUse it to get a gift
SDKY-7LKM-UTGL-LHTUUse it to get a gift
TDSM-4KUP-2HKL-NKXZUse it to get V-Bucks Card Code
TM6N6-H3XVT-2DJ9H-MAYD2Use it to get Tiger Spray
VHNJ-GM7B-RHYA-UUQDUse it to get a gift
WDCT-SD21-RKJ1-LDRJUse it to get Wildcat Skin.
WDCT-SD21-RKJ6-UACPUse it to get Wildcat Skin
WDCT-SD74-2KMG-RQPVUse it to get Wildcat Skin
WSNQG-NG4YM-BS4VU-LNG8HUse it to get Quokka Spray
XTGL-9DKO-SD9D-CWMLUse it to get a gift
XTGL-9DKO-SD9D-CWMLUse it to get a gift
XTGL-9DKO-SDBV-FDDZUse it to get Free V-Bucks
Y2429-69CD3-WMYNS-Y64V2Use it to get a gift
Y2429-69CD3-WMYNS-Y64V2Use it to get a gift
YGGWX-38PNW-6TE2Q-JVKLSUse it to get a gift
YGGWX-38PNW-6TE2Q-JVKLSUse it to get Eucalyptus Spray
YGGWX-38PNW-6TE2Q-JVKLSUse it to get Shaka Spray
YGGWX-38PNW-6TE2Q-JVKLSUse it to get a gift
YNQJ7-4EVUP-RJDMT-ENRK6Use it to get a gift
YXTU-DGMY-BR5L-UBNSUse it to get V-Bucks Codes
YXTU-DTRO-S3AP-QRHZUse it to get V-Bucks Codes
Z4A33-NLKR2-V9X34-G3682Use it to get a gift
Z4A33-NLKR2-V9X34-G3682Use it to get Croft Manor Spray
Z6P2X-F4UA6-V5QJH-CABCLUse it to get Handoff Spray

How to redeem codes in Fortnite?

You have to open the Epic Games Launcher, then log in to the Epic Games account and tap on your name. After that, tap on Use it to get, input the code, and tap on Redeem to receive a reward.