How Do You Protect the Puck in NHL 23

This guide will teach you how to protect the puck in NHL 23.

You can skate backward to protect the puck and then use the left analog stick to skate the other way. After that, use L3 and create separation as a speed boost. Hold down the X button until you get enough space, and then use the L3 to use the speed boost and create separation.

You do not have control of the puck when using speed boost, so turn it over if there’s any contact. Just be careful; use the right analog stick and hold it to the right to do a Deke. After that, use the left analog stick to turn around and try to create some space. Then you need to sprint and let go of the Sprint when you get close. Take a right analog stick and fire it up, aiming for the top right corner to score a goal.