In this guide, you will find out how to clear the Smart Queen spider’s nest or defeat Arachne.
It is actually the first boss fight where you have to worry about your team composition. The defense down skill is really helpful to take her down. You have to go to your Monster’s menu and navigate to the book. You’ll find the hashtags of the characters and what they can do.
Pixie does work well because she’s got defense up, attack up, and attack down. So she’s pretty good for Arachne. The two MVPs are Fairy and Yeti. Fairy is really good because she recovers the ally’s target HP and removes the poison. In the second half of the fight, she does this massive attack where she jumps up in the air and then jumps down. If she catches you on it, it’s just stomp, stomp and you get half your health gets removed. Once you get to that point, you can sleep her, and she sleeps for five hits.
Yeti has a pretty good AOE heel that is 2.6 percent. The key to this one is the poisoning removal from Fairy which everyone starts with and then finding any defense down Champion that you’ve got.
So you just need to go into the book and find the ones that do the defense down and then defeat Arachne.