How to Craft Better Tools In LEGO Fortnite

This guide will let you know how to craft better tools in Lego Fortnite. It’s simple to get better tools early in the game.

  • You need to focus on upgrading to the next tier called Uncommon Tools as soon as you can.
  • Place your crafting bench and interact with it. On consoles, press R1, or find the equivalent action on PC. Look for the option to switch to bench upgrade.
  • Upgrade the bench once, and you’ll unlock all the recipes for Uncommon tools.
    There might be even higher tiers, but uncommon tools are a significant boost from the basic ones.
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  • Crafting Bench Upgrade is straightforward. The only rare item you’ll need is called shells. You can find these in field biomes, indicated by small rocks with leaves on top.
    When you approach, rollers will emerge from the ground. They might roll at you, causing damage, but blocking with a shield can knock them down.
  • Use your sword to defeat them and collect the shells dropped from them.
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