This guide will let you know how to install NEVERSINK Loot Filter for Path of Exile. POE Neversink.
1. The first thing you will need to do is go to website and then click on the Downloads tab on the top right side of the screen. When the website opens, you have to select “Option 2: Download file” and then click on the “As Zip” button. With this zip file, you’ll get all of the loot filters. t
2. When the download is complete, you need to unzip the file and put all of these loot filters into the folder in the following path Document/My Games/Path of Exile/
3. Now you have to head over to the Path of Exile and open up the options by pressing escape and clicking on options.
4. Then click on the game tab and you will find that you have all of the item filters in the list of item filters menu.