This guide will let you know how to make a well in the Minecraft game.
In order to make one, first you have to place four stone bricks and stone brick walls on the ground in the same way as shown in the following image.
After this, fill the gap in the middle by placing a cauldron and add a bucket of water in this cauldron.
Then you have to add a cobblestone wall on the two opposite stone bricks and a spruce fence at the top of cobblestone walls.
The next thing you need to do is to place spruce logs at the top of these spruce fences.
Add a lever on the outside the left log and hang iron bars with this lever as shown in the image below.
Now you have to place spruce trap doors at the top as shown in the image below.
Then you need to add grindstone to work as a pulley and attach an iron bar under this grindstone.
The next thing you have to do is to place hay bales at the top of the well and then add rails at their top.
Add a lantern on the corner for some lighting. Now you have successfully built a well.