How To Make Bin/Dumpster

Bin or Dumpster is used to throw the trash. There are multiple ways to make a bin and you can use all of them to throw your waste in it. 

This guide will let you know how to design a Bin/Dumpster in the Minecraft game. 

The first thing you will need to do is to place a composter on the ground and add an oak trap door at the top of this composter.

There is another way to make a dumpster. Place two blocks of green wool on the ground and add an iron trap door at the top of these two blocks. Then you need to add a stone button on the sides to make it functional. Press the stone button to open the iron trap door at the top. 

Place a cauldron on the ground and add an iron trap door at the top of it. These were the three methods to make a dumpster in the Minecraft game. 

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