Magenta Leather Tunic is a type of safety armor that covers and protects the upper body of the player.
You will need Cow or Horse Leather, Leather Tunic, Allium or Lilac and Magenta Dye to make Magenta Leather Tunic. Please follow the following steps to make Magenta Leather Tunic.
Cow or Horse Leather
In order to make leather tunic you will have to find a cow or horse to get leathers. You need to kill them to get at least eight leathers. Go towards the fields to find them.
Leather Tunic
After this you have to make Leather Tunic. Head towards the crafting table to craft and add eight leathers in 3*3 crafting grid in the same way as shown in image below, so that it makes a shape of Tunic. You will get a leather tunic in the right-side box to the crafting table. Add this tunic into your “ready to use” stock.
Allium or Lilac
Now the next item that you will have to find is Allium or Lilac. You need to get at least one allium or lilac. One piece of flower would be enough to make one Magenta dye.
Magenta Dye
Now you will have to make a Magenta Dye. Go towards the crafting table and open up 3*3 crafting grid. Add allium at the center cell and you will get magenta dye in the right-side box to the crafting table. Add this dye into your inventory.
Magenta Leather Tunic
Finally you will be able to craft Magenta Leather Tunic as you have Magenta Dye and Leather Tunic in your stock. Add leather tunic and magenta dye in adjacent cells of any row of your choice in 3*3 crafting grid. You will get Magenta leather tunic in the right-side box to the crafting table. Add this item in your ready to use stock.