Manasis Refrain Tier List 2023 (Best Characters)

Mana Heath Echoes is a role-playing game with an amazing experience. The players are delegated to be an employee at the top of the foundation in Hakutei Island and experience high levels of excitement as their accomplices. You have to become a swashbuckler in the foundation.

In the following list, the characters of Mana Heath Echoes are categorized into different tiers. The best characters in tier SS are Aurora Mildred and Dark Shadow Fog Crow Faruru while Mori Kaoru Yami Gilberta and Tamafu Muel are the top characters in tier S. The most prominent characters in tier A are Tobio Gilberta and Furin Rabbit Aoi Faruru. Some characters in tier B are Azalea Serafina and Eliza.

SS Tier

Aurora MildredSS
Dark Shadow Fog Crow FaruruSS

S Tier

Mori Kaoru Yami GilbertaS
Tamafu MuelS
Aqua SerafinaS
Burning ElizaS
Twilight Glorio SilizerS

A Tier

Tobio GilbertaA
Furin Rabbit Aoi FaruruA
Snow in Summer SerafinaA
Wilderness Rose MildredA

B Tier

Azalea SerafinaB
Rose MildredB
Muel The Dragon FlameB
Blue SerafinaB
Hekikai ElizaB
Aoi FarruB
Kaoru SeraphinaB
Light MildredB
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