The Metroid Fusion game puts you back in the boots of Samus Aran, this time with a new upgrade: a Fusion Suit. Explore new areas and worlds as you uncover secrets and mysteries about yourself, your teammates, and the fate of the universe.
Active Codes
Codes | Description |
0187F4C6 3B9E24FB | Use it to get Omega Metroid Dies Instantly |
03001249 00000001 | Use it to get Invulnerability |
03001318 00000063 | Use it to get Unlimited Super Bombs |
0300151E 00000064 | Use it to get a 100% Item Finding Rate |
1300124E 00000000 | Use it to get Fast Shooting (No Pauses) |
13001252 0000A001 | Use it to get Always Run At Super Speed |
13001310 00000833 | Use it to get Unlimited Health |
13001318 00006363 | Use it to get Unlimited P-Bombs |
2041F997 AE2AA05B | Use it to get Max Super Bombs |
21DAD9B0 FB08DE80 | Use it to get the reward |
2D95A4A2 DCCCB5AA | Use it to get an Instant Boost |
60106C24 00001C17 (Works on bosses too) | Use it to get One Hit Kills |
6B018D87 ABBE8A89 | Use it to get 100% Completion |
6B23BA4E 839CBDD7 | Use it to get the Event Timer Stopped |
6B23BA4E 839CBDD7 | Use it to get Stop Event Timer |
79991A20 CA815E13 | Use it to get Timer Always Low |
7FF23BFC 077B26D1 | Use it to get Always Have After Images |
83176536 B3D9F569 | Use it to get All Doors Unlocked |
8F2F35F1 82B68775 | Use it to get the reward |
B99F5C68 287E7B55 | Use it to get Max Health |
BAD602F9 EB1838C3 | Use it to get Powerbombs Explode Instantly |
C963A98F BB7EFD4A | Use it to get Moon Jump |
CDE8AE47 E0DF7372 | Use it to get the reward |
CE7EB01F 1188003A | Use it to get the reward |
D4000130 000001FB | Use it to get Equip Weapons + Suit (Press Select + L) |
D4000130 000002FB | Use it to get Remove Your Weapon and Suits (Press Select + R) |
DC725D4E 3A20792F | Use it to get the reward |
DCD5A90F 6F8F63F2 | Use it to get Max Missles |
E25ED03C 5FC8A28E | Use it to get the reward |
All Hazards Disabled
Codes | Description |
65DA389A 09D8882C | Use it to get the reward |
A36B003A 5D0E713A | Use it to get the reward |
Water Physics Disabled
Codes | Description |
65DA389A 09D8882C | Use it to get the reward |
DBFAC1C4 7847F63C | Use it to get the reward |
Enhanced Wall Kicking Physics
Codes | Description |
DC016DD4 00006C75 | Use it to get the reward |
DE0B4DC4 00007C6C | Use it to get the reward |
Have Most Upgrades
Codes | Description |
08FD6F1E 162A997A | Use it to get the reward |
2B703E4E A7DE680A | Use it to get the reward |
Final Suit (With No Side Effects)
Codes | Description |
13004D2C 000002FF | Use it to get the reward |
13004D2E 000001BE | Use it to get the reward |
13004D30 000000D3 | Use it to get the reward |
13004D36 0000020F | Use it to get the reward |
13004D40 00000108 | Use it to get the reward |
13004D44 000031E8 | Use it to get the reward |
13004D46 000028A6 | Use it to get the reward |
Unlimited Energy
Codes | Description |
13001310 000003E7 | Use it to get the reward |
13001312 000003E7 | Use it to get the reward |
Unlimited Missles
Codes | Description |
13001314 000003E7 | Use it to get the reward |
13001316 000003E7 | Use it to get the reward |
Unlimited Missles (ROM)
Codes | Description |
5E5D4BB2 62B7C2D5 | Use it to get the reward |
65DA389A 09D8882C | Use it to get the reward |
Jump In Midair
Codes | Description |
78834A3A 69B41AC6 | Use it to get the reward |
7B527134 A3B133F8 | Use it to get the reward |
956C2260 C86D26D0 | Use it to get the reward |
A63A7F6C 96863F87 | Use it to get the reward |
F03C47FC 7238B34C | Use it to get the reward |
Skip Intro
Codes | Description |
37E74EC3 6765EE74 | Use it to get the reward |
BCDCB406 2F2FD763 | Use it to get the reward |
Walk Through Walls
Codes | Description |
2300131A 0001 | Use it to get Charged Weapon |
2300131A 0002 | Use it to get Wide Weapon |
2300131A 0004 | Use it to get Plasma Weapon |
2300131A 0008 | Use it to get Wave Weapon |
2300131A 0010 | Use it to get Ice Weapon |
2300131C 0001 | Use it to get a High Jump Upgrade |
2300131C 0002 | Use it to get a Speed Booster Upgrade |
2300131C 0004 | Use it to get a Space Jump Upgrade |
2300131C 0008 | Use it to get Screw Attack Upgrade |
2300131C 0010 | Use it to get Varia Suit Upgrade |
2300131C 0020 | Use it to get Gravity Suit Upgrade |
2300131C 0040 | Use it to get Morph Ball Upgrade |
278480FB 9008DB0E | Use it to get the reward |
33001249 0001 | Use it to get Invulnerability |
3300124E 0000 | Use it to get No Pause Between Shots |
33001253 009D | Use it to get Super Dash Much Sooner |
330012DC 005F | Use it to get Super Dash Always Charged |
33001318 0063 | Use it to get Unlimited Super Bombs |
33001319 0063 | Use it to get Max Super Bombs |
3300131A 0000 | Use it to get Turn Off All Weapons |
3300131B 0000 | Use it to get Turn Off All Missles/Bombs |
3300131D 0000 | Use it to get 0 Level Doors Open |
3300131D 0001 | Use it to get 1 Level Doors Open |
3300131D 0002 | Use it to get 2 Level Doors Open |
3300131D 0003 | Use it to get 3 Level Doors Open |
3300131D 0004 | Use it to get 4 Level Doors Open |
3300151E 0064 | Use it to get a 100% Item Find Rate |
3F4E3078 067D8168 | Use it to get the reward |
820382E4 0000 | Use it to get Time Always 000 |
83000138 0100 | Use it to get a Low Completion Time |
830008D8 00DA | Use it to get Stop Event Timer |
83001252 A001 | Use it to get Always Run At Super Speed |
83001310 0833 | Use it to get Unlimited Health |
83001312 0833 | Use it to get Max Health |
83001314 03E7 | Use it to get Unlimited Missles |
83001316 03E7 | Use it to get Max Missles |
8300131C 0000 | Use it to get Turn Off All Misc/Suit Upgrades |
Moon Jump
Codes | Description |
74000130 03FE | Use it to get the reward |
83001260 0040 | Use it to get the reward |
All Weapons, Suits & Abilities Available
Codes | Description |
00000003 0002 | Use it to get the reward |
4300131A FFFF | Use it to get the reward |
Have The Final Suit (No Side Effects)
Codes | Description |
83004D2C 02FF | Use it to get the reward |
83004D2E 01BE | Use it to get the reward |
83004D30 00D3 | Use it to get the reward |
83004D36 020F | Use it to get the reward |
83004D40 0108 | Use it to get the reward |
83004D44 31E8 | Use it to get the reward |
83004D46 28A6 | Use it to get the reward |