Shin Megami Tensei 5 is an action-based role-playing game that takes place in modern Tokyo. The protagonist must take up a quest to save his friend by merging with him and becoming the creature of Nakhabino. With the help of a mysterious ally named Aogami, he will be able to fight demons from the world of Da’at and up to three powerful ones.
Shin Megami Tensei 5 features a manual save system, enabling players to save their progress at their own discretion within the game. This feature allows greater control over when and where players can save their game, providing more flexibility and convenience during gameplay sessions.
How to save the game?
Follow the steps below to record your progress manually:
- You need to interact with leyline founts all over the world by pressing the A button.
- After that, tap on the Chronicle Deeds option to record your progress.
- To start the game from that spot, you have to load that particular save slot.
Shin Megami Tensei 5 offers multiple save slots.
We have covered the method to save your game in Shin Megami Tensei 5.