The Moon and Stars Inscribe Day 2 Guide – Genshin Impact

In this guide, I will share with you the walkthrough of Day 2 of the Moon and Stars inscribe. Try to get Sayu and Aloy on the team.

Again, please get Aloy and Sayu on your team if you have them.

After initializing the second-day event quest, teleport to Byakko Plain south waypoint and head northeast.

Take a picture of Kitsune with the camera in the Paimon menu and head north.

Take a picture of the electro crystal fly.

Teleport to Tatarasuna southeast waypoint and head northwest.

Take a picture of the Lizard on top of the wooden plank.

Teleport to Bourou Village east waypoint and head northeast.

Take a picture of the bird and head south.

If you missed any of the animals earlier, you can take the picture of the eel.

You will receive another 40 Primogems for completing Day 2 of this event.