Unturned Item Ids (Cheat Codes)

Unturned is a survival video game being released worldwide in 2017. Your character will be located in a world full of zombies. You have to explore the area to find the supplies and weapons. And then use these weapons to bring the zombies down. The more you survive, the more experience points you will earn and these points can be used to get the upgrades. In the arena mode, you have to compete with other players around the world and the player who turned out to be the last man standing will win the match. You can find medical supplies across the map that will help to restore health after getting damaged. Unturned is featured for free on PC, Xbox and Playstation.

The Unturned Item IDs will provide you with a lot of pets, or food, or anything you are looking for to stay alive. Let’s have a look how to use these codes in the game.

How to use Unturned Console Commands?

You will need to start the command with @give and then type the id or amount to unlock that particular item. Remember that the command won’t work without the item ID.

@airdropThis id is used to call an airdrop.
@animal idUse this id and unlock an animal instantly. @animal 9000 unlock wildcat.
@dayThis id is used to turn the night into day.
@experience user/amntUse this id and unlock free XPs for a user.
@give user/id/amountThis id is used to get an item for example Chips who’s item id is 85. @give gt/82/10.
@nightUse this id and turn the day into night.
@stormThis id is used to summon rain or snow.
@teleport user/locationUse this id and teleport a player to a location.
@teleport user/userThis id is used to teleport a player near another player.
@timeYou can use this id to set a time.
@vehicle user/idThis id is used to get a vehicle. For example Skyland Plane. @vehicle gt/9006.

These are the Unturned codes to spawn different items, a weapon or a vehicle, or an animal. Now come to the Unturned Item IDs list. We have sorted this list into different categories, like Vehicles, Weapons, etc.

In the console you have to use a command starting with @give then type the user or id or amount to unlock that item. So let’s begin with our Unturned Items List 2020 with all Unturned Item IDs.

Unturned Money Item Id’s

1052This id will provide you with 10$.
1055You can use this od to get 100$.
1053This id will provide you with 20$.
1051You can use this od to get 5$.
1054This id will provide you with 50$.
1056You can use this od to get Loonie.
1057This id will provide you with Toonie.

The above Item IDs will provide toy with a decent amount of cash in no time.

Unturned GPS/Chart Item Id’s

1175This id will provide you with Chart.
1176This id will provide you with GPS Item.

Unturned Sleeping Bag Item Id’s

295This id will provide you with a Yellow sleeping bag.
294Use this id and get a White sleeping bag.
293This id will provide you with Red sleeping bag.
292Use this id and get a Purple sleeping bag.
291This id will provide you with an Orange sleeping bag.
290Use this id and get a Green sleeping bag.
289This id will provide you with a Blue sleeping bag.
288Use this id and get a Black sleeping bag.

Unturned Medicines Item Id’s

387This id will provide you with Adrenaline.
389Use this id and get Antibiotics.
95This id will provide you with a Bandage.
395Use this id and get Blood bag.
404This id will provide you with Cough Syrup.
394Use this id and get Dressing Item.
1129This id will provide you with Heatstim.
15Use this id and get a Medkit.
388This id will provide you with Morphine.
390Use this id and get Painkillers.
393This id will provide you with Rag.
96Use this id and get Splint.
403This id will provide you with Suturekit.
392Use this id and get Tablets.
269This id will provide you with Vaccine,
391Use this id and get Vitamins.

Unturned Melee Weapons Item Id’s

105This id will provide you with Baseball Bat.
76Use this id and you will get a Blowtorch.
137This id will provide you with Butcher Knife.
140Use this id and you will get Butterfly Knife.
16This id will provide you with Camp Axe.
490Use this id and you will get Chainsaw.
1032This id will provide you with Crowbar.
104Use this id and you will get Fire Axe.
276This id will provide you with Flashlight.
1030Use this id and you will get Frying Pan.
135This id will provide you with Golf Club.
138Use this id and you will get a Hammer.
106This id will provide you with Hockey Stick.
1036Use this id and you will get a Katana.
120This id will provide you with Kitchen Knife.
1035Use this id and you will get a Machete.
487This id will provide you with Makeshift Bat.
121Use this id and you will get Military Knife.
2014This id will provide you with Obsidian Axe.
2015Use this id and you will get Obsidian Club.
1033This id will provide you with a Paddle.
1198Use this id and you will get a Pickaxe.
1034This id will provide you with Pitchfork.
1023Use this id and you will get Police Baton.
1390This id will provide you with a Pool cue.
142Use this id and you will get Rake.
141This id will provide you with a Saw.
1174Use this id and you will get a Scythe.
2020This id will provide you with Shark Tooth-sword.
1031Use this id and you will get a Shovel.
136This id will provide you with a Sledgehammer.
139Use this id and you will get a Swiss Knife.

Unturned Backpacks Item Id’s

253This id will provide you with Alicepack (63 slots).
1511Use this id and you will get an Arctic alicepack (63 slots).
200This id will provide you with Black Daypack (28 slots).
1182Use this id and you will get Black Dufflebag (28 slots).
245This id will provide you with Black Travelpack (35 slots).
201Use this id and you will get Blue Daypack (28 slots).
1183This id will provide you with Blue Dufflebag (28 slots).
23521Use this id and you will get Blue Slavic Backpack (Carpet).
246This id will provide you with Blue Travelpack (35 slots).
23522Use this id and you will get a Brown Slavic Backpack (Carpet).
1178This id will provide you with Diving Tank (8 slots).
16507Use this id and you will get a Gray backpack (30 slots).
202This id will provide you with Green Daypack (28 slots).
1184Use this id and you will get Green Dufflebag (28 slots).
23523This id will provide you with Green Slavic Backpack (Carpet).
247Use this id and you will get Green Travelpack (35 slots).
1014This id will provide you with Leather Pack (30 slots).
203Use this id and you will get Orange Daypack (28 slots).
1185This id will provide you with Orange Dufflebag (28 slots).
23524Use this id and you will get Orange Slavic Backpack (Carpet).
248This id will provide you with Orange Travelpack (35 slots).
204Use this id and you will get Purple Daypack (28 slots).
1186This id will provide you with Purple Dufflebag (28 slots).
249Use this id and you will get Purple Travelpack (35 slots).
9This id will provide you with Red Daypack (28 slots).
1187Use this id and you will get Red Dufflebag (28 slots).
250This id will provide you with Red Travelpack (35 slots).
23509Use this id and you will get Slavic Pistol Holster (Carpet).
1170This id will provide you with Spec Ops Rucksack (40 slots).
205Use this id and you will get White Daypack (28 slots).
1188This id will provide you with White Dufflebag (28 slots).
251Use this id and you will get White Travelpack (35 slots).
206This id will provide you with Yellow Daypack (28 slots).
1189Use this id and you will get Yellow Dufflebag (28 slots).
252This id will provide you with Yellow Travelpack (35 slots).

Unturned Weapons Item Id’s

107Use this id and you will get Ace.
1362This id will provide you with Augewehr.
1021Use this id and you will get Avenger.
3520This id will provide you with Backlash.
355Use this id and you will get BirchBow.
479This id will provide you with BirchRifle.
112Use this id and you will get Bluntforce.
1369This id will provide you with Bulldog.
1379Use this id and you will get CallingCard.
3512This id will provide you with Chimera.
15041Use this id and you will get Cobalt.
99This id will provide you with Cobra.
97Use this id and you will get Colt.
357This id will provide you with CompoundBow.
346Use this id and you will get Crossbow.
15044This id will provide you with Dagger.
488Use this id and you will get DesertFalcon.
1480This id will provide you with Determinator.
1484Use this id and you will get Devil`sbane.
132This id will provide you with Dragonfang.
4Use this id and you will get Eaglefire.
1382This id will provide you with Ekho.
1481Use this id and you will get Empire.
1375This id will provide you with Fusilaut.
23016Use this id and you will get Glaz: Carpet.
297This id will provide you with Grizzly.
109Use this id and you will get Hawkhound.
1037This id will provide you with Heartbreaker.
1364Use this id and you will get Hell’sFury.
15050This id will provide you with HollowCharge.
116Use this id and you will get Honeybadger.
15048This id will provide you with hospitality.
15053Use this id and you will get a judgment.
3515This id will provide you with Kopis.
1039Use this id and you will get Kryzkarek.
3517This id will provide you with Lancer.
3522Use this id and you will get Lockdown Item.
1476This id will provide you with Luger.
353Use this id and you will get MapleBow.
474This id will provide you with MapleRifle.
363Use this id and you will get Maplestrike.
380This id will provide you with Masterkey.
1000Use this id and you will get Matamorez.
1477Use this id and you will get MP40.
1165This id will provide you with Nailgun.
1377Use this id and you will get Nightrider.
126This id will provide you with Nykorev.
15039Use this id and you will get Orel.
1337This id will provide you with Paintball.
1024Use this id and you will get Peacemaker.
356This id will provide you with PineBow.
480Use this id and you will get PineRifle.
1436This id will provide you with the quad barrel.
519Use this id and you will get the RocketLauncher.
1018This id will provide you with Sabertooth.
1143Use this id and you will get Sawed.
1447This id will provide you with Scalar.
101Use this id and you will get Schofield.
300This id will provide you with Shadowstalker.
1441Use this id and you will get ShadowStalkerMK||.
129This id will provide you with Snayperskya.
484Use this id and you will get a Sport shot.
1488This id will provide you with Swissgewehr.
1360Use this id and you will get Teklowvka.
18This id will provide you with Timberwolf.
1027Use this id and you will get Viper.
23001This id will provide you with Vityaz: Carpet.
1366Use this id and you will get Vonya.
15036This id will provide you with Wezel.
1041Use this id and you will get Yuri.
122This id will provide you with Zubeknakov.

Unturned Ammo Item Id’s

113This id will provide you with 12 Gauge Shells.
381Use this id and you will get 20 Gauge Shells.
108This id will provide you with Ace Clip.
347Use this id and you will get an Arrow.
1022This id will provide you with Avenger Magazine.
351Use this id and you will get a Birch Arrow.
1339This id will provide you with Blue Paintball Hopper.
1371Use this id and you will get Bulldog Magazine.
1381This id will provide you with Calling Card Drum.
3513Use this id and you will get Chimera Magazine.
1006This id will provide you with a Cobra Box.
100Use this id and you will get a Cobra Magazine.
98This id will provide you with a Colt Magazine.
489Use this id and you will get a Desert Falcon Magazine.
1485This id will provide you with Devil’s Bane Magazine.
133Use this id and you will get a Dragonfang Box.
1384This id will provide you with Ekho Magazine.
1483Use this id and you will get an Empire Magazine.
1209This id will provide you with an Explosive Arrow.
1340Use this id and you will get a Green Paintball Hopper.
298This id will provide you with a Grizzly Magazine.
111Use this id and you will get an Hawkhound Magazine.
1365This id will provide you with Hell’s Fury Drum.
1192Use this id and you will get a High Caliber Military Ammunition Crate.
1193This id will provide you with a High Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box.
1395Use this id and you will get HMG Box.
3516This id will provide you with a Kopis Magazine.
1040Use this id and you will get a Kryzkarek Magazine.
3518This id will provide you with a Lancer Rocket.
3523Use this id and you will get a Lockdown Magazine.
44Low Caliber Civilian Ammunition Box Item ID
43Use this id and you will get a Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate.
119Low Caliber Ranger Ammunition Box Item ID
1487Use this id and you will get a Luger Magazine.
348This id will provide you with Maple Arrow.
1479Use this id and you will get a Maschinengewehr Magazine.
1005This id will provide you with Matamorez Box.
1003Use this id and you will get a Matamorez Magazine.
17This id will provide you with Military Drum.
1200Use this id and you will get a Military Fragmentation Magazine.
6This id will provide you with a Military Magazine.
1177Use this id and you will get a Military Tracer Magazine.
1302This id will provide you with a Missile.
3501Use this id and you will get an MLRS Pod.
1166This id will provide you with a Nailgun Magazine.
127Use this id and you will get a Nykorev Box.
1341This id will provide you with Orange Paintball Hopper.
1026Use this id and you will get a Peacemaker Magazine.
352This id will provide you with a Pine Arrow.
1342Use this id and you will get a Purple Paintball Hopper.
301This id will provide you with a Rail.
125Use this id and you will get a Ranger Drum.
123This id will provide you with a Ranger Magazine.
1343Use this id and you will get a Red Paintball Hopper.
478This id will provide you with a Rifle Clip.
520Use this id and you will get a Rocket.
1020This id will provide you with a Sabertooth Magazine.
1449Use this id and you will get a Scalar Magazine.
103This id will provide you with Schofield Magazine Item ID.
1443Use this id and you will get a Shadowstalker Mk. II Drum.
130This id will provide you with a Snayperskya Magazine.
485Use this id and you will get a Sport shot Magazine.
1490This id will provide you with a Swissgewehr Magazine.
1361Use this id and you will get a Teklowvka Magazine.
20This id will provide you with a Timberwolf Magazine.
1029Use this id and you will get a Viper Magazine.
1368This id will provide you with a Vonya Magazine.
1344Use this id and you will get a Yellow Paintball Hopper.
1042This id will provide you with a Yuri Magazine.

Unturned Weapons Attachments Item Id’s

296You can use this code to get a 16x scope.
1363 (Low Vertical Recoil)This id will provide you with 4x scope augewehr.
153You can use this code to get 7x Scope.
21This id will provide you with 8x Scopе.
1007 (33% More Fire Rate)You can use this code to get Adaptative chambering.
143This id will provide you with Bipod.
148You can use this code to get Chevron Scope.
22This id will provide you with Cross Scope.
350 (Infinite Suppressor)You can use this code to get Crossbow Suppressor.
146This id will provide you with Dot sight.
23537You can use this code to get Green Dot Sight (OP-7 scope).
147This id will provide you with Halo Sight.
117 (Infinite Suppressor)You can use this code to get Honeybadger Suppressor.
145 (Durability 50 shoots)This id will provide you with Horizontal Grip.
1004You can use this code to get Kobra Sight.
477This id will provide you with Makeshift Muffler.
476You can use this code to get Makeshift Scope.
1002 (Infinite Suppressor)This id will provide you with Matamorez Suppressor.
149 (50% Less Spread)You can use this code to get a Military Barrel.
150 (50% Less Recoil)This id will provide you with Military Muzzle.
1201You can use this code to get the Military Nightvision Scope.
7 (Durability 25 shoots)This id will provide you with a Military Suppressor.
1008You can use this code to get Rangefinder.
1191 (50% Less Spread)This id will provide you with Ranger Barrel.
1190 (50% Less Recoil)You can use this code to get Ranger Muzzle.
144This id will provide you with a Ranger Suppressor.
1444 (Infinite Suppressor)You can use this code to get a Shotgun muffler.
1438This id will provide you with a Tactical bayonet.
151 (33% Less Spread)You can use this code to get Tactical Laser.
152This id will provide you with Tactical Light.
8You can use this code to get Vertical Grip.

Unturned Explosive Item Id’s – C4 Grenade

261You can use this code to get Black Smoke Grenade.
255This id will provide you with a Blue Flare.
262You can use this code to get Blue Smoke Grenade.
1102This id will provide you with Claymore.
1241You can use this code to get a Demolition charge (C4).
1240This id will provide you with Detonator.
1346You can use this code to get Flashbang.
256This id will provide you with Green Flare.
263You can use this code to get Green Smoke Grenade.
254This id will provide you with a Grenade.
1520You can use this code to get Impact Grenade.
1101This id will provide you with a Landmine.
1242You can use this code to get Makeshift Grenade.
257This id will provide you with Orange Flare.
264You can use this code to get Orange Smoke Grenade.
1393This id will provide you with a Precision charge.
258You can use this code to get Purple Flare.
265This id will provide you with a Purple Smoke Grenade.
259You can use this code to get Red Flare Item.
266This id will provide you with Red Smoke Grenade.
1132You can use this code to get Snowball.
1100This id will provide you with Sticky Grenade.
23007You can use this code to get a Thermal charge (Carpet).
267This id will provide you with White Smoke Grenade.
260You can use this code to get Yellow Flare.
268You can use this code to get Yellow Smoke Grenade.

Unturned Tools, can be used as weapons

333You can use this code to get Binoculars.
1116This id will provide you with Birch can.
506You can use this code to get Birch rod.
76This id will provide you with a Blowtorch.
1197You can use this code to get Cable Tie.
16This id will provide you with a Camp Axe.
277You can use this code to get Carjack.
490This id will provide you with a Chainsaw.
1508You can use this code to get Compass.
332This id will provide you with a Fertilizer.
104You can use this code to get Fire Axe.
503This id will provide you with a Fishing rod.
276You can use this code to get Flashlight.
28This id will provide you with Gas.
138You can use this code to get Hammer.
1195This id will provide you with Handcuffs.
1196You can use this code to get Handcuffs Key.
1440This id will provide you with an Industrial can.
1475You can use this code to get Jack Hammer.
1114This id will provide you with a Maple can.
507You can use this code to get a Maple rod.
1198This id will provide you with a Pickaxe.
1115You can use this code to get Pine can.
508This id will provide you with a Pine rod.
141You can use this code to get Saw.
1507This id will provide you with a Socket wrench.

Unturned Hats Item Id’s

1515You can use this code to get an Arctic gillie hood (U.S.A).
1519This id will provide you with an Arctic military helmet (U.S.A).
1017You can use this code to get Biohazard Hood.
434This id will provide you with a Black Balaclava.
425You can use this code to get Black Cap.
192This id will provide you with Black Toque.
435You can use this code to get Blue Balaclava.
426This id will provide you with a Blue Cap.
193You can use this code to get Blue Toque.
239This id will provide you with a Chef Hat.
1428You can use this code to get Coalition beret.
1426This id will provide you with a Coalition cap.
1429You can use this code to get Coalition Captain hat.
1427This id will provide you with a Coalition helmet.
240You can use this code to get Construction Helmet.
1009This id will provide you with Desert Beret (U.S.A).
1010You can use this code to get Desert Military Helmet (U.S.A).
423This id will provide you with an Engineer Hat.
244You can use this code to get Farmer Hat.
424This id will provide you with Fedora.
1472You can use this code to get a Fighter Pilot helmet.
241This id will provide you with a Firefighter Helmet.
509You can use this code to get a Fishing hat.
433This id will provide you with Forest Beret.
309You can use this code to get Forest Military Helmet (Canada).
1494This id will provide you with a Ghille hood (Germany).
237You can use this code to get Ghillie Hood.
1356This id will provide you with Gillie Hood (Russian).
23536You can use this code to get Gopnik Hat (Carpet).
3536This id will provide you with Grasslands military helmet (Greece).
16506You can use this code to get Gray Hat.
436This id will provide you with a Green Balaclava.
427You can use this code to get Green Cap.
194This id will provide you with a Green Toque.
1385You can use this code to get Mafia fedora.
23532This id will provide you with a Marauder Hat (Carpet).
3511You can use this code to get a Military boonies cap (Greece).
3532This id will provide you with Military grasslands boonies (Greece).
1335You can use this code to get a Military helmet (Russian).
3531This id will provide you with Omega boonies.
437You can use this code to get Orange Balaclava.
428This id will provide you with Orange Cap.
195You can use this code to get Orange Toque.
23511This id will provide you with Panama Bag (Carpet).
1359You can use this code to get a Pilot cap.
225This id will provide you with Police Cap.
23518You can use this code to get Police Hat (Carpet).
3537This id will provide you with a Police helmet.
438You can use this code to get Purple Balaclava.
429This id will provide you with Purple Cap.
196You can use this code to get Purple Toque.
313This id will provide you with RCMP Hat.
439You can use this code to get Red Balaclava.
430This id will provide you with a Red Cap.
197You can use this code to get Red Toque.
278This id will provide you with a Santa hat.
1389You can use this code to get a Spec-Ops beret.
27This id will provide you with a Top Hat.
440You can use this code to get White Balaclava.
431This id will provide you with a White Cap.
198You can use this code to get White Toque.
441This id will provide you with Yellow Balaclava.
432You can use this code to get Yellow Cap.
199This id will provide you with a Yellow Toque.

Unturned Face Mask/Covers Item Id’s

185You can use this id to get Black Bandana.
1464This id will provide you with a Blindfold.
186You can use this id to get Blue Bandana.
1044This id will provide you with Civilian Nightvision.
1271You can use this id to get a Filter.
1270This id will provide you with Gasmask.
187You can use this id to get a Green Bandana.
1199This id will provide you with a Headlamp.
1048You can use this id to get a Hockey Mask.
334This id will provide you with a Military Nightvision.
188You can use this id to get an Orange Bandana.
189This id will provide you with a Purple Bandana.
11You can use this id to get Red Bandana.
1181This id will provide you with Snorkel.
190You can use this id to get White Bandana.
191This id will provide you with Yellow Bandana.

Unturned Clothes Item Id’s – Tops, T-Shirts, Jeans, etc

3508You can use this id to get 1st class Seargent military top (Greece).
2019This id will provide you with an Aegis lab bottom.
2018You can use this id to get Aegis Lab Top.
2017This id will provide you with an Aegis security bottom.
2016You can use this id to get Aegis Security Top.
1513This id will provide you with Arctic ghillie bottom (U.S.A).
1512You can use this id to get the Arctic ghillie top (U.S.A).
1517This id will provide you with Arctic military bottom (U.S.A).
1516You can use this id to get Arctic military top (U.S.A).
420This id will provide you with a Biker jacket.
1016You can use this id to get Biohazard Bottom.
1015This id will provide you with Biohazard.
181You can use this id to get Black Hoodie.
182This id will provide you with a Black Parka.
183You can use this id to get Black Shirt.
23514This id will provide you with Black Slavic Pidora (Carpet).
184You can use this id to get Black Tee.
1454This id will provide you with Black trunks.
173You can use this id to get Blue Hoodie.
174This id will provide you with Blue Parka.
175You can use this id to get Blue Shirt.
23502This id will provide you with Blue Slavic Hoody (Carpet).
23525You can use this id to get Blue Slavic Open Hoody (Carpet).
176This id will provide you with a Blue Tee.
1455You can use this id to get Blue trunks.
23503This id will provide you with Brown Slavic Hoody (Carpet).
23526You can use this id to get Brown Slavic Open Hoody (Carpet).
1424This id will provide you with a Captain Coalition top.
209You can use this id to get Cargo Pants.
227This id will provide you with Cargo Shorts.
231You can use this id to get Chef Bottom.
230This id will provide you with a Chef Top.
23500You can use this id to get Classic Slavic Shirt (Carpet).
1419This id will provide you with Coalition bottom.
1463You can use this id to get Coastguard bottom.
1462This id will provide you with Coastguard Top.
1423You can use this id to get Commander Coalition top.
232This id will provide you with Construction Top.
213You can use this id to get Corduroy Pants.
228This id will provide you with Corduroy Shorts.
3506You can use this id to get a Corporal military top (Greece).
208This id will provide you with Cowboy Jeans.
1012You can use this id to get Desert Military Bottom (U.S.A).
1011This id will provide you with Desert Military Top (U.S.A).
207You can use this id to get Designer Jeans.
408This id will provide you with an Engineer Bottom.
407You can use this id to get Engineer Top.
1420This id will provide you with Engsin Coalition top.
243You can use this id to get Farmer Bottom.
242This id will provide you with Farmer Top.
1474You can use this id to get Fighter Pilot bottom.
1473This id will provide you with a Fighter pilot top.
234You can use this id to get Firefighter Bottom.
233This id will provide you with a Firefighter Top.
511You can use this id to get Fishing Bottom.
510This id will provide you with a fishing top.
419You can use this id to get Flight Jacket.
308This id will provide you with Forest Military (Canada).
307You can use this id to get Forest Military Top (Canada).
3534This id will provide you with a General top.
1493You can use this id to get Ghille bottom (Germany).
1492This id will provide you with a Ghille top (Germany).
236You can use this id to get Ghillie Bottom (Canada).
1355This id will provide you with Ghillie Bottom (Russian).
235You can use this id to get Ghillie Top (Canada).
1354This id will provide you with Ghillie Top (Russia).
23535You can use this id to get Gopnik Bottom (Carpet).
23534This id will provide you with Gopnik Top (Carpet).
3503You can use this id to get Grasslands military bottom (Greece).
3503This id will provide you with Grasslands military top (Greece).
16503You can use this id to get Gray Bottom (Blue).
16505This id will provide you with Gray Bottom (Green).
16504You can use this id to get Gray Bottom (Red).
16500This id will provide you with Gray Top (Blue).
16502You can use this id to get Gray Top (Green).
16501This id will provide you with Gray Top (Red).
161You can use this id to get Green Hoodie.
162This id will provide you with Green Parka.
163You can use this id to get Green Shirt.
23504This id will provide you with Green Slavic Hoody (Carpet).
23527You can use this id to get Green Slavic Open Hoody (Carpet).
164This id will provide you with Green Tee.
1456You can use this id to get Green trunks.
315This id will provide you with Grocer Bottom.
314You can use this id to get Grocer Top.
23501This id will provide you with Invert Slavic Shirt (Carpet).
212You can use this id to get Khaki Pants.
226This id will provide you with Khaki Shorts.
3505You can use this id to get Lance corporal military top (Greece).
518This id will provide you with Leather Bottom.
517You can use this id to get Leather Top.
1421This id will provide you with Lieutenant Coalition top.
1387You can use this id to get Mafia tuxedo bottom.
1386This id will provide you with a Mafia tuxedo top.
1422You can use this id to get Major Coalition top.
23531This id will provide you with Marauder Pants (Carpet).
23530You can use this id to get Marauder Top (Carpet).
3509This id will provide you with Master sergeant military top (Greece).
406You can use this id to get Mechanic Bottom.
405This id will provide you with a Mechanic Top.
312You can use this id to get Medic Bottom.
311This id will provide you with a Medic Top.
1334You can use this id to get Military bottom (Germany).
1334This id will provide you with Military bottom (Russian).
1491You can use this id to get a Military top (Germany).
1333This id will provide you with a Military top (Russia).
3535You can use this id to get the Offical top.
3528This id will provide you with an Omega Battalion leader top.
3530You can use this id to get an Omega brigadier top.
3527This id will provide you with an Omega captain top.
3529You can use this id to get Omega colonel top.
3526This id will provide you with an Omega hostile top.
3525You can use this id to get the Omega uniform bottom.
3533This id will provide you with an Omega uniform top.
3You can use this id to get Orang Hoodie.
156This id will provide you with an Orange Parka.
154You can use this id to get Orange Shirt.
23505This id will provide you with Orange Slavic Hoody (Carpet).
23528You can use this id to get Orange Slavic Open Hoody (Carpet).
155This id will provide you with an Orange Tee.
1457You can use this id to get Orange trunks.
1358This id will provide you with a Pilot top.
211You can use this id to get Plaid Shirt.
224This id will provide you with a Police Bottom.
23517You can use this id to get Police Pants (Carpet).
23516This id will provide you with a Police Top (Carpet).
223You can use this id to get Police Top.
304This id will provide you with a Prisoner Bottom.
303You can use this id to get Prisoner.
157This id will provide you with a Purple Hoodie.
160You can use this id to get Purple Parka.
158This id will provide you with a Purple Shirt.
159You can use this id to get Purple Tee.
1458This id will provide you with Purple trunks.
305You can use this id to get RCMP Bottom.
306This id will provide you with RCMP Top.
165You can use this id to get Red Hoodie.
166This id will provide you with Red Parka.
167You can use this id to get Red Shirt.
168This id will provide you with a Red Tee.
1459You can use this id to get Red trunks.
280This id will provide you with a Santa bottom.
279You can use this id to get Santa.
3507This id will provide you with a Seargent military top (Greece).
23507You can use this id to get Slavic Denim (Carpet).
23506This id will provide you with Slavic Denim Shorts (Carpet).
23520You can use this id to get Slavic Hunter Top (Carpet).
23513This id will provide you with Slavic JKG Pants (Carpet).
23512You can use this id to get Slavic JKG Top (Carpet).
1172This id will provide you with Spec Ops Bottom.
1171You can use this id to get Spec Ops Top.
422This id will provide you with a Suit Bottom.
421You can use this id to get Suit Top.
23539This id will provide you with Tessy Pants (Carpet).
23538You can use this id to get espy Top (Carpet).
1157This id will provide you with Thief Bottom.
1156You can use this id to get Thief Top.
1392This id will provide you with a Tracksuit bottom (TRI POLASKI).
1391You can use this id to get a Tracksuit top (TRI POLASKI).
214This id will provide you with Trouser Pants.
229You can use this id to get Trouser Shorts.
23This id will provide you with Tuxedo Bottom.
24You can use this id to get Tuxedo Top.
1180This id will provide you with Wetsuit Bottom.
1179You can use this id to get Wetsuit Top.
23508This id will provide you with White Dot Slavic Shirt (Carpet).
177You can use this id to get White Hoodie.
178This id will provide you with White Parka.
179You can use this id to get White Shirt.
23515This id will provide you with White Slavic Pidora (Carpet).
180You can use this id to get White Tee.
1460This id will provide you with White trunks.
2You can use this id to get Work Jeans.
169This id will provide you with a Yellow Hoodie
170You can use this id to get Yellow Parka.
171This id will provide you with a Yellow Shirt.
172You can use this id to get Yellow Tee.
1461This id will provide you with Yellow trunks.


How to use the console commands in Unturned ?

Follow the method below to use the console commands in Unturned :

  1. Head to the game console. 
  2. Then you can use the console commands with “@give” at the start. 
  3. Always use “@” at the start of every command.
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