In this guide, I will share with you the first part of Varuna Gatha of the Aranyaka quest.
Upon completing this quest, you will be able to obtain the currency to buy the diagram for new Sumeru craftable weapons.
Teleport to the statue of the seven between Pardis Dhyai and Yasna Monument and head southwest down the cliff.

Go to vantage sport with Arapandu
Defeat the enemies around Arapandu.
Teleport to the waypoint northwest of Apam woods and walk into the yellow marking next to it.

Defeat the Fungi in the tree (0/2)
Attack the plant with the 3 red vines, called Clusterleaves of cultivation, with a dendro move in order to gain the ability to pull yourself towards the stars in the air.
Use that mechanism to get to the Fungi up on the tree.

Defeat the Fungi in the tree (1/2)
Defeat the Fungi and use the nearby Clusterleaves plant to reach the second Fungi on another tree.
After defeating the second Fungi, glide down in a western direction.

Find the “branch” and “leave” with Arapandu
When the cutscene is over, use the Clusterleaves mechanism to head northeast toward a corn-shaped rock.

Make the three “leaves” turn toward the branch
After talking to Arapandu, rotate the three nearby loaf-shaped rocks, so that they point toward the rock in the center.

Talk to Arapandu again, then teleport to the statue of the seven in between Pardis Dhyai and Yasna Monument.

Head to the Yasna Monument and look for Aranakula
Head west towards the yellow light beam and wait for the dialogue to progress.
Walk west towards the quest pointers without alerting any enemies along the way as shown in the video. (is this how you do it).

Move forward without being noticed
Continue following the path upwards until you reach a bigger stone with runes on it.
After the dialogue, walk the path all the way down again until you reach a cave with a pond and another one of those corn-shaped stones inside.

Find the “branch” together with Aranakula
(How do you make the green path thingies appear here?)

Make the three “leaves” turn toward the “branch”
Follow the green path indicators to three leaf-shaped stones and turn them toward the direction of the corn-shaped stone.
Rotate the first rock once.
Rotate the second rock once.
All rotate the third rock twice.
Go back to Aranakula inside the cave.

Head to the Ruins of Dahri to look for Arabalika
Teleport to the waypoint west of Apam Woods and head west until you reach a path with a ruin guard.

Defeat the ruined guard and head south towards a second ruin guard.
Head northwest and defeat a third ruin guard.

Find the mechanism and activate it
Activate the mechanism right next to it.

Find the “branch” with Arabalika
Jump down the hole, that is now drained of water.
Head east inside the ruins until you reach the third corn-shaped rock.
Again, follow the green path indicators to find three leaf-shaped rocks and turn them towards the center rock.

Make the three “leaves” turn toward the “branch”
Rotate the first rock once.
Rotate the second rock twice.
Rotate the third rock twice as well
Defeat the ruined grader and talk to Arabalika.

Head to the Grove of Dreams to find Arakunti
Head south and climb up the wall to find a rift that leads to a hidden underground tunnel.
Follow the tunnel until arriving at the yellow quest marker.

Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream at the desginated location to lure the Aranara out
Use your vintage Lyre gadget and play the notes Fa Mi So Fa Do.

Find the “branch” with Arakunti
Head upward the roots in a western direction to find Arakunti.

Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream in front of Silapna
Turn to the west and fly to the other side towards the yellow quest indicator.
Use your Vintage Lyre gadget n front of the rune stone and play the notes Fa Mi So Fa Do.

Make the three “leaves”in the dream turn toward the “branch”
Now we need to turn the leaf-shaped stones again.
Rotate the first rock, that’s right next to the rune stone, once.
Head southeast and rotate the second rock once.
Head northwest and climb up the tree.
You can activate the jump booster on the mushrooms by infusing them with electro.
Rotate the third rock twice.

Play the Rhythm of the Great Dream in front of Silapna
Climb a bit further up until you reach the rune stone.
As before, use your vintage Lyre gadget and play the notes Fa Mi So Fa Do.
Fly back to the tree and talk with Arakunti.

Head near the Varunastra
After getting the four together, talk to Arapandu, then head southeast toward the big blue orb.
Head southeast towards a deep hole, that leads to an underground tunnel.
Follow the tunnel path until you reach a bright open area with blue spores in the middle.

Clear the spores
Interact with the spores and fight the huge Fungus.
Head southeast to follow the big Fungus and defeat any enemies along the way.
Continue following it until you circled back to the original place.
Defeat it and talk to Arapandu afterward to finish this part of the quest.