Where To Find Disciple Contract In COD Modern Warfare 3 Zombies MWZ

In this guide, you will learn where to find Disciple Contract in COD Modern Warfare 3 Zombies MWZ.

  • First, you need to find disciples for two main reasons: a weapon camo challenge that involves killing disciples, and a part of the main story mission that requires finding a disciple contract.
  • Go into a threat level two area, marked in orange on the map, to find one of the contracts.
    These contracts are usually located within this higher-threat area. Typically, these contracts in this area usually involve a disciple as the target. Sometimes, they might also feature mimics or manglers, but disciples are commonly found.
  • Disciples can be tough opponents, particularly if you’re not used to fighting them, especially coming from outside of zombie mode. Ensure you’re well-prepared and equipped before engaging them in combat.
  • To face these enemies, upgrade your weapon using the Pack-A-Punch machine. You might need to upgrade its rarity using Aether a few times to enhance its power.
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  • When facing these foes, be cautious as they can heal themselves by absorbing health from nearby enemies.
    They do this by extending their hand to drain health.
  • To stop this healing process, shoot the hand they’re using to absorb health.
    If you don’t stop them, the fight can become quite lengthy due to their ability to heal themselves.
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