Where to Find the Secret Gunman in GTA 5 Online

In this guide, you will get to know where you can find the secret gunman in GTA 5. This is the best position to spawn as mostly the policemen spawn on this side of the road and you will then go up towards, as shown in the picture below.

You don’t have to leave the lobby, you have to stay there and keep an eye on the military base and your ears on the police sirens. As soon as you get stars, the policemen will get out and start shooting you from their vehicles.

Before doing this mission, you will notice an arrow but once you turn around that arrow will be completely gone. If you press Y, the player will go for the door but will find it locked, so the player will kill himself. The player will win this mission if he doesn’t allow the policemen to get out of their vehicle and kill them.

After that, if you get really close to the mast and the waypoint D spawns. You don’t need to panic too much as there is a guide available for it as shown in the image below.

You don’t really need to change your lobbies in order to complete the mission. Just stay in your lobby and you will be up to the task.

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