Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Fengxi Tips

This guide will let you know how to take down Fengxi in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.

Fengxi is the third boss in the game and is a bit more difficult than Zhuyan. It has such a big hitbox and is very fast, so it is recommended to utilize your companion more and stay further away from the fight. Let your companion do the damage and master the movement and the attack patterns. After that, you will be able to know what is the right time to deflect.

You must be deflecting at the right times. It lifts itself onto its back legs and slams itself on top of you. You can deflect by getting the timing right. You will have full access to your Divine beast, which will be really helpful. You need to take chunks out of this boss, heal yourself simultaneously, and master the attack patterns. Let your companion take some aggro, and then whip out the Divine Beast when you get Fengxi down to about a third of his health. It will raise a load of spikes out of the ground, and the beast will take a lot of damage.

After that, keep a distance and use the Wizardry spell to fire ice shards at the enemy. Let your companion take the aggro and wait for the spirit to come back. Fire another ice shard to bring the boss down.