5 Best CS2 Crosshairs (Without Codes) – Counter Strike 2 Crosshair Settings

In this guide, you will learn how to adjust the Counter-Strike 2 crosshair settings. You can either choose the Standard Crosshair or the thin crosshair to accomplish the task.

Standard Crosshair

In this section, we will take you through the steps to adjust Counter Strike 2 crosshair settings using standard crosshair.

  • Start by opening the game settings and navigate to the Crosshair section.
  • Select the Classic Static style, and set the length to 4. Now adjust thickness to 0.8, set GAP to -2, and choose outlines as SA.
  • If you prefer a smaller cross for precise shots, then set the length between 1.2 and 1.8. Modify the thickness to 0.6 and set GAP to 5 for a closed appearance.
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Thin Crosshair

This section describes how to adjust Counter Strike 2 crosshair settings using thin crosshair.

  • Firstly, set the length to 3, adjust the thickness to 0, and modify the GAP to -3. Enable the center dot option, set length to 0, and alter thickness between 0.5 and 1.
  • You need to set GAP to 5, enable outlines at 2.0 or higher, and turn off the center dot option.
  • Modify the length to 1.2, set the thickness to 0.8, adjust the GAP to 1.2, and choose outlines based on your preference such as on or off.
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