This guide will let you know how to Plant a Spike in Valorant.
The spike can be picked by any of the attacking teams. After picking up the spike, you have to locate the site where you can plant it. You can see this on your mini map which is marked by the letters A B and C.
Make sure that you reach the location safely. After securing the area, you need to start planting the spike by facing the mark and by pressing 4 on your keyboard. Remember that this will take 4 seconds and if you stop planting the spike before it is completed, then you have to restart it from the beginning.
Once you have successfully planted the spite, the defending time will have 45 seconds to disarm it. Now you have to make sure that the defending team will not be able to diffuse it. If they do so, they will obviously win the match.
Make sure that you cooperate with your team so that they can easily take out the opponents. You must try to stay in key positions as they will give you an advantage. There are agent lines up that can help you to defend and secure the spike.