This guide will provide you with all the buttons, combos, and specials of Goku in Dragon Ball Fighterz season 3.5.
5L and 5LL are standard buttons. Note that 5LL launches, which can mess with some 2M combos. 5LLL has a massive range; the entire shockwave is a hitbox.

In terms of Mediums, 5M is pretty short but very fast. 2L doesn’t hit low and is shorter than 5L but is identical otherwise. You can use it when 5LL would put the enemy too high.
Base Goku has kept his Protagonist 2MT in Season 3, and it’s still very strong.

You need to be aware of 2H’s poor horizontal range. Aerial buttons are decent, with JM specifically being great for cross-ups.
1/2/3S shoots Ki Blasts from the ground at different distances.
You can chain any two together before the third one goes into the 2SSS finisher, which hits overhead and gives a sliding knockdown. It can easily be 2H’d on reaction, though, so you need to be careful.
¡S fires a single Ki Blast at a good angle and halts your momentum shortly. Heavy Elbow (236X, Air OK) Light version is mainly used as a blockstring ender.

Medium and Heavy versions reel back before attacking.
Heavy Elbow (236X, Air OK) Heavy version will wall bounce additionally.

Heavy Elbow (236X, Air OK) Medium and Heavy versions also have full invincibility from frame 4-11.
Back Throw (2147) A command grab.
Light version is fast and has a decent range.
Back Throw (214), It whiffs from most buttons though due to block stun.
Back Throw (214X) Medium version is slightly slower but has an absurd range.

Back Throw (214) Heavy version goes even further and gives a wall bounce while being as fast as Medium.
Kamehameha (236S, Air OK) Single hitting beam that can be aimed up or down.
Spirit Bomb (214S) Charges Spirit Bomb upon first use, then throws it when used again.

Spirit Bomb (214S) can be held for up to 3 “ticks”, powering up the Spirit Bomb and building meter. A level 3 Spirit Bomb always combo into the Super Spirit Bomb anywhere on the screen. A good time to charge it is after a 2SSS Knockdown.
“A” Assist 5LLL on command. Massive hit and block stun, which make extensions and confirms easy.

B Assist, no use for combos or neutral, but it will charge a spirit bomb level for Goku and build some bar. It will charge 0.75 Bar per use and 1 Bar when Goku has fully charged his Spirit Bomb.

C Assist is as fast as a normal beam assist but single hitting, so it can be somewhat hard to combo.

Super Spirit Bomb is extremely damaging but requires setup for most characters to DHC in.

These characters can easily combo into Super Spirit.

Bomb without further setup by using their Supers. With more setup, almost all the characters can combo into it, though.
A manual super. After Goku powers up, you need to press any of the following buttons to follow up: 5L, 2L, 5M, 2M, 55, 25, and 5H. Finish with R1.

Kaioken Goku gets to do 3 follow-ups with 3 characters alive, 5 with 2 alive, and 7 if Goku is the last man standing, and also the Rl finisher at any point. With at least 1 character down, Goku can also spend another bar for a Kamehameha finisher.

Kaioken Midscreen Routes
Kaioken Route (3 Characters Alive)
5S > 5L > 2S > R1

Kaioken x3 Route (2 Characters Alive)
5S > 5L > 2L> 2M > 2S> R1

Kaioken x20 Route (Last Man Standing);
5S >5L> 5S > 2L> 5M 2M > 2S > R1

Basic Safe Gapless Blockstring
You can use this string as your foundation.
2L> 5LL > 5M2M > 5H2H > 1236L
Conditioning Gameplan
Start by using staggers to ensure they won’t press buttons.
2L> 5LL > 5M2M > 5H2H > j236L

Conditioning Gameplan
Then implement command grabs once they’re too scared to mash.
jH > 5LL > 5M > (delay) 2141
Conditioning Gameplan
1S frame traps vanishes and any other button but is unsafe, so don’t just end on it.
jH > 2L > 5LL > 5M > 1SSS

Conditioning Gameplan
With an assist or Vanish, you can get a full combo off ISSS.
Conditioning Game Plan
If you can’t hit in on the first string, you need to call an assist and try again.
Here’s the flowchart you’ve all been waiting for.

Midscreen BnB
4185 dmg / 3737 scaled /+1 Bar
2M5M > jMLL2H > SD > jMLL2HjcLLL
Midscreen jS Extension
4505 dmg / 3907 scaled /+1.2 Bar
It’s all always optional
2M5M > jMLL2H > SD > jMLL2Hjc7L(delay)LS > jLLL

j236L Vanish Extension
>200 extra damage
2M5M > jMLL2H > SD > jMLL2HjcLL2H > Vanish > j236L > jLLL
5H Rejump
4115 dmg / 3640 scaled /+0.95 Bar
214 is optional. 3SSS won’t connect if JS is used too early. Mind the air dash after the superdash.
5M2M > 5H > (delay) SD > 66LS > (land) 2M5H > 5S3SSS > (optional 214S)
Corner BnB Simple
4387 dmg / 3942 scaled /+1.3 Bar
2M > SD > (delay)jM > (delay)jS > (land) 5M > jMLL2H > SD > jMLL2HjcLLL

Corner BnB Advanced
4540 dmg / 4160 scaled /+1.5 Bar
2M5H > (delay) SD > 66jL(delay)jS > 2M5S5H > SD > 66 jL(delay)jS > 2M5SSSS5H > 2SSS > 214S

Corner BnB with Genki
4735 dmg / 4350 scaled /+2 Bar
Mind the backdash after 214S
2M > SD > jMS > 5LLL > SD > 66jLS > 5LLL > 214S > 44 1SSS > 214S

Corner BnB j236H
6038 dmg
2M5M > jMS > j236H > 2M > 214L > 2M5S5H > SD > 66 jL(delay)jS > 5LLL > 236S > Kaioken (5S 5H 5M R1)
214L Corner Confirm
2215 dmg
Vanish has to connect when their back is to the ground
214L > Vanish > (delay) > IAD jM (delay) jS > 2M5S5H > SD > 66 jL(delay)S > 2M5S5H > 2SSS > 214S

214H/236H Midscreen Simple
3240 damage. It is not an optional knockdown, but it’s good enough but works the same off 236H.
214H/246H > (microdash) 2M5M > jML2HjcLLS > j236S[2]

214H Midscreen Charge
3240 dmg
214H > (land) IAD jM(delay)jS > 2M5H > 5S > 3SSS > 214S
214H Midscreen with Genki
3880 damage
214H > (land, microdash, whiff 5L)LL > 214S > 2SSS

Vanish Confirm Simple
2817 damage
With side switch option depending on timing.
… > Vanish > (microdash) 5LLL > SD > jML2HjcLLS > j236S[2]

Vanish Confirm Charge
2680 damage, IAD JM(dl)jS is optional.
… > Vanish > IAD jM(delay)jS > 2M5H > 2SSS > 214S

Sparking Vanish Confirm
5250 damage | +2.2 bar
… > [Vanish] jMS > 66 jMS > 2M5M > jMLL2H > SD > jMLL2Hjc7L(dl)LS > jLLL

2H Punish/Dragon Rush
3905/3127 damage | +0.9/1.6 bar
JS extension optional
2H/DR > SD > jMLL2Hjc7L(delay)LS > jLLL
Superdash Confirm Simple
2227 damage |+0.5 bar
SD > jMLjcLLS > j236S[2]
Superdash Confirm Advanced
3287 damage |+1.4 bar
Js extension optional. If airdash is not available, jM(dl)jS also works but is harder.
SD > 66 jL(delay)jS > 2M5M > jMLL2H > SD > jMLL2Hjc7L(delay)LS > jLLL

Assist Combo Example 1 with Safejump (Any Beam)
4932 dmg /4545 scaled | +2.4 bar
7 SD for a backwards jump into SD to keep corner
2M5H > SD > 66jL(dl)jS > 5LLL > A1 > 214S > 5LLL > 214S > 7 SD > jLLL > (whiff jS) > jH

Assist Extension Example 2
5853 damage, 4866 scaled | +1.8 bar
2M > 2SSS > 236L > A1 > 5LLLLLLL > jS > 2M5M > jLL2HjcLLL > A2 > DR

Sparking Loops
7537 damage |+3 bar
Works off many starters like 2m, 5m, 236L/M and 5H.
2H/5H > Sparking > (whiff 5L)LL > IAD jLS > 5LLL > IAD jLS > 5LLL > IAD jLS > 5LLL > 236L > A1 > DR > 236L > Kaioken (5S>5H>5M>R1)

1 Bar TOD Sparkles with Lvl3 Genki
2M5H > 214S >44 1SSS > 236L >A1 >66 5LLL >SD >jML2HjcLLL >A2 >DR >214L > Kaioken (5S 5L 2S R1) Lvl1

1 Bar Limit Break 2H with Lvl1 Genki
2H > Sparking >(whiff 5L)LL >214S >3SSS > 236L >[Vanish] >jMS >66 jMS >2M5M >jML2HjcLLL >Vanish >DR >Kaioken(5S 5L 5S 2L 5M 2M 2S R1 R1)

The 3-Hit Limit Break TOD
[In Sparking] 2M5H > 214S >Super Spirit Bomb
(works without 2M too)