This guide is a summary of all the missions and side missions required to achieve 100% completion in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty city stories. It is possible to complete the game 100% with the use of cheats.
The rewards for completing the game 100% are:
Infinite ammunition to all weapons, Rhino parked in fort staunton and All Multiplayer content (psp only).

StoryLine Missions
You have to complete all 70 storyline missions.

Vehicle Missions
You have to complete Level 12 in Vigilante (Level 9 on Mobile).

And also complete level 12 in Paramedic (level 9 on mobile).

You have to complete level 12 in firefighter (Level 9 on mobile).

And complete 100 fares as a taxi driver.

You will need to complete level 10 in noodle punk.

And also, you have to complete level 10 in pizza boy.

You need to complete trash dash in portland, staunton island and shoreside vale.

After that, come to collectibles. You have to collect all of the 100 Hidden packages.

For the rampages, you will need to complete all 20 of them.

Unique Stunt jumps
You have to complete all 26 unique stunt jumps.

Car-Azy Car give away
Seize 15 vehicles.

Street Races
With all courses in “bumps and Grinds”.

You have to win the race “Red Light Racing”.

And win the race “Low rider Rumble”.

You will also need to win the race “Deimos Dash”.

And then win the race “Torrington TT”.

After that, try to win the race “Gangsta Gp”.

You will need to win the race “Wi-Cheetah Run”.

Rc Races
Reach at least level 1 in “Thrashin’ Rc”.

And then you have to reach at least level 1 in “Ragin’RC”.

You will need to reach at least level 1 in “Chasin’RC”.

Vehicle checkpoint challenges
You have to score more than 20 points in “Scrapyard Challenge”.

And collect all the checkpoints in “Go Go faggio”.

You have to complete the “wrong side of the tracks”.

You will need to reach 12 kills in “9mm Mayhem”.

And then reach 11 kills in an Awol angel.

You will need to kill more than 20 triads in “Rc triad take-down”.

Fill the rating meter in “Karmageddon”

And reach level 6 in “Car Salesman”.

You will need to sell a total of 40 bikes in “bike Salesman”.

You have to complete level 12 in “See the Sight before your flight”.

And then complete level 15 in “avenging angels” in all three islands.

You will need to survive a full match of “Slash TV”.