This guide will let you know the Fastest Way to Get Dragon Balls and Summon Shenron (100% SUCCESS DROP RATE) in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
You will need to follow the steps below to get Dragon Balls and summon Shenron.
You will always get a dragon ball using this method. It will take 10 minutes maximum per dragon ball and is guaranteed to work with a 100% drop rate.
Step 1: Create a new character
You have to create a new character. Race, gender, and details don’t matter.

Step 2: Complete the first story mission
Complete the first story mission and defeat Raditz to complete step 2.

Step 3:
You have to go to the patroller academy.

Step 4:
After that, find a girl named Sanud and talk to her.

Step 5:
Now you will need to fight and defeat Sanud.

Step 6:
Sanud will provide you with a dragon ball!

Step 7:
Now you have to end the game.

Step 8:
And then delete the character from step 1.

Step 9:
Repeat steps 1 to 8 for another dragon ball.
Step 10:
Once you have all seven dragon balls, go to your main account. You can go to a single or multi-lobby; it doesn’t matter. Once you have all 7, you must summon Shenron before you can get any others. The reason is obvious you already have all seven dragon balls.

Step 11:
Go to the dragon ball pedestal and call forth Shenron to make your wish!