In this guide, you will learn how to Airstrike Mercenary Convoy in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Zombies MWZ.
Paint the Target mission involves tracking down a Convoy, which can be challenging as it moves around the map in various locations.
However, there’s typically only one Convoy you can find so far.
You can use your map to see if the Convoy’s location has been discovered. On the map, you’ll notice icons indicating the Convoy’s presence. For instance, if you see three cars lined up in a row on the map, that’s likely the Convoy’s location.

- Now you need to look out for a group of three armored trucks while driving around the map. These specific trucks are only associated with the Convoy, so spotting them means you’re near the Convoy’s location.
- Even if the Convoy has been attacked and most of the people killed, you can still target it with an airstrike.
This increases your chances of getting the mission done. - Keep an eye on the map for those three vehicles to locate the Convoy, either by finding it yourself or by following someone else’s discovery.