How to Become an Animal in Red Dead Online

In this guide, you will get to know how you can become an animal in Red Dead Online. 

You should be playing a naturalistic role and then find 5 plants and collect them. Then go to the location near Little. 

For this, you need to be in a naturalist role and then go to Harriet.

You will be handed a pamphlet and note. 

Then you will be told to collect some plants. These plants are all over the map. 

After collecting the plants, go to the location near Little. Find the spot and you will be transformed into a buck.

You can attack the wagon and you can also fall under the wagon. But you need to recollect the five plants again after dying. You will have a limited time to be a buck. 

Just go there, become a buck and start teasing people. It will be fun. 

You will die if you fall under the wagon.