How to Build Garden Plot – LEGO Fortnite

In this ultimate guide, you will learn how to build a Garden Plot in LEGO Fortnite. From constructing a lumber mill to gathering materials, this guide will lead you through the thrilling process of building your very own Garden Plot.

1. Build Campfire & Crafting Bench

  • First, you have to make your way to the open wild biomes to collect wood and granite.
  • After that, use it to make a campfire and place it anywhere on the ground.
  • Open up the Utility menu, navigate to the Stations section, and select Crafting Bench.

2. Build a Lumber Mill

  • Now head towards your utility menu and select Lumber Mill from the station.
  • After that, place the mill at any location.
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3. Use a Lumber Mill to make Wooden Rod

  • Now interact with the lumber mill and select Wooden Rod from the recipe section. Click the Quick Deposit button at the bottom.
    This will process the wood and make a wooden rod.
  • Once the Wooden Rod is made, click the Take button to own it.
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4. Use a Lumber Mill to make Plank

  • Now put one wood from your inventory into the lumber mill.
    This will process the wood and make a plank.
  • Once the plank is made, click the Take button to own it.
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5. Use a Crafting Bench to make a Shovel

  • After that, go to the crafting bench and select the shovel from the recipes section.
  • Now click the Craft button at the bottom to craft it.
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6. Use a Shovel to get Soil

  • Head toward your in-game inventory and select the shovel from the section.
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  • Now use this shovel to dig the soil from the grassy biome.
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7. Collect Fertilizer near animals

  • Navigate to the birds in the grassy biome and collect fertilizer near these animals.
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  • After that, grab granite from the ground and kill the spider to get silk.
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8. Build a Garden Plot

  • Now you have to go to your utility section and select the Garden Plot from the village section.
  • After that, craft it using soil and fertilizer.
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  • Place the plot in some suitable spot preferred to your play style.
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