In this guide, you will learn where you can sell the stolen items and the valuables that you took off enemy corpses in Red Dead Redemption 2.
For selling them, you need to find a Fence. The first one you will find is at the Emerald Ranch because it is story related.
The Fence is also in Saint-Denis. But not sure that you can use it before you get the fence in the story.
One Fence is in the Marsh area.
The last one is in the Van Horde Trading post.
Once the Fence opens, you will need to do the Hosea mission to steal the wagon and then you can sell all your valuables.
While selling, you need to be careful, because you can sell your cigarettes card. There is a stranger who can pay you if you have the full set. If you don’t want to use it, you can sell it. But if you want to complete the mission, you would not sell it.
You can also craft the talisman. By this, you can turn your legendary animals into pieces, like their teeth or their horns. You can also trinkets and these trinkets can give you permanent buffs. If you have taken out the animals, then there is no need to do it.