This guide will show you how to get the hot temperature resistance in LEGO Fortnite. There are two methods to get it, either by consuming snowberries or crafting a cool-headed charm.
1. Collect snowberries in the snow biome
In this section, we will take you through the steps to collect snowberries in the snow biome. You can eat snowberries or make juice to get heat resistance.
- You need to open up your in-game map and head to the snow biome.
- Once you get there look for a snowberry plant and collect it from there.

- After that, make your way to the juicer and make a snowberry shake using milk and snowberry.
It will give you heat resistance.

2. Craft cool-headed charm
This section describes how to craft the cool-headed charm using the crafting bench to get heat resistance.
Build Lumber mill
- You need to open up the Utility menu and navigate to the Stations section.
- Select a Lumber mill and place it anywhere on the ground.

Use a Lumber mill to make planks
- Now head up to the lumber mill and craft wooden plank using one wood.
- Once done, hit the Take button to grab it.

Collect Shells from Rollers which spawn in Grass Biome
- You have to grab shells from the rollers surrounding the area.
They spawn in the grass biome. - So attack to kill them immediately and grab the shells dropped near them.

Upgrade crafting bench
- Now you need to upgrade the bench, go to the bench upgrade tab and click on the upgrade button at the bottom.

Craft Uncommon Axe
- Now craft the Forest Axe on a crafting bench using three bones and three woods.
- Repeat this procedure for another time to grab more forest axes.

Use Uncommon Axe to collect Knotroot inside of the cave
- Open up the in-game map and go to the following location in the grassland.

- Once you get there, head towards the cave and enter by equipping the torch to illuminate the area.
- You need to break the vines on the wall using your pickaxe to obtain a knotroot.

Use a Lumber Mill to make Knotroot Rod
- Go back to the lumber mill location and select the option to craft a knot root rod using knot root.
- Once crafted, press the Take button to grab it.

Use a crafting bench to make an uncommon pickaxe
- Now head up to the crafting bench and craft a pickaxe using three knot root rods and three bones.

Use an Uncommon Pickaxe to collect Marble
- You need to open up the in-game map and head back to the grassland location.

- Once you reach there, navigate towards the cave while holding a torch to illuminate the surroundings. Upon reaching the cave’s entrance, enter inside it.
- Hit the marble using your uncommon axe. Strike it multiple times to break it into pieces and ultimately grab the marble.

Use a Lumber mill to make a wooden rod
- Just head up to the lumber mill and select the option to craft a wooden rod using five wood.
- Once crafted, hit the Take button to grab it.

Kill wolves to obtain wolf claws
- Make your way to the wild biomes and climb up a small hill.
- You need to kill these wolves using your sword.
After that, they will drop wolf claws and then you can collect it.

Build spinning wheel
- Open up the Utility menu and navigate to the Stations section.
- After that, select the spinning wheel from the menu.
You can place it anywhere you want.

Collect silk from spiders
- You need to open your in-game map and head to the wild biome.
- Look for the spider and kill them using your sword to obtain silk.
You can also find spiders inside the cave in the Grasslands.

Use a spinning wheel to make silk thread
- Now simply head up to the spinning wheel and select silk thread from the menu.
- After that, deposit five silks in it to craft silk thread.

Collect sand shells from the sand roller in the sand biome
- Open up your in-game and navigate to the following location in the Dry Valley.

- Once you get there, look for the sand rollers and kill them using your sword to obtain sand shells.

Use a crafting bench to make cool-headed charm
- Make your way to the crafting bench and navigate to the Charms category.
- You need to craft the cool-headed charm using silk threads, marble, and sand shells.
Once crafted, you will find it in your inventory.