In this guide, you will find out how to Make Wishes in the Well & Unlock More Relic Slots. It will provide you with all 15 coin locations.
Coin 1
For the first coin, you have to come down the steps and go through the old house using the gate by the moss statues. There, you will get a secret staircase and inside this, you will find your first coin.

Coin 2
For this coin, you have to go to the beach. Then move up and then use the stairs to go down in front of the fountain.

These steps will lead you toward the beach, then you have to use the ladder which will take you down to the beach. After that, go behind the waterfall as it is a shortcut and it will take you to the middle of three beaches. You will find a chest under the bridge, open that chest and get your second coin.

Coin 3
To get this coin, you have to get the magical Orb which you will get in the frog’s domain in the ruined atoll. It will help you in hooking across things.

After getting the magical orb, you have to go to the left side crossing the beach and you will reach an area where you will get a few turrets. There will be two chests in this area. You have to hook shot to go to the other side, you will find a chest there and you will get a coin inside this chest.

Coin 4 and Coin 5
You will find the fourth and the fifth coin under the well area. You have to go to the two bridges in the middle of the overworld.

You will find a ladder, you have to use it to go inside the well, and then progress through this area using the natural progression. Once you are under the well, you have to go through the water and you will find a room. Enter this room and you will get to your flame altar checkpoint.

You have to go through this checkpoint and then walk on a bridge to enter another room. After that, take a ladder and you will find a chest there. You have to enter the secret door next to the chest. There you will find a broken potion shard and in front of the frame alter, you will find the 4th coin.

For the fifth coin, you have to go back and go to the balcony under the well. You will find a metal rail there, you have to follow the rail as it will bring you to the next room. After that, follow the rail again to enter the next room and you will be under the bridge as this is the western bell. You have to go under the western well to enter the purple room and then hold the A button as it will take your character to the praying mode.

After this, the obelisk will drop into the ground and this will power the rail which is behind you. Now, you have to go back by following the rail to the end of the rail where you will enter a secret room inside this room you will find the 5th coin.

Coin 6
You will find the 6th coin in the dark tomb. For this, you have to unlock the lantern, use the middle of the overworld, then move down the steps and go behind the waterfall. You will find a dark tomb door. You have to move fast in the dark tomb and at the end of the dark tomb there is a room that has some turrets and some skeletons and there is a turret that faces a wall. After that, you have to enter the secret hallway in the center of the room and you will find a chest that has the 6th coin.

Coin 7
To find the 7th coin, you have to go to the east forest. You will get there by using the teleporter room to get there as it will give you a shortcut. In front of this, you will find a forest, you need to enter the forest, and then through the trees in the forest, you see ladders there.

These ladders will take you to the lower forest. After reaching the lower forest, there are some spiders you have to be careful about them. You will have to go through a little pathway in the back of the forest there you will find the 6th coin in a chest.

Coin 8
To find the 8th coin, you have to go under the earth, there is also a map available for this on page 30 of the in-game manual. After that, take a shortcut to enter the interior of the eastern vault. From here, you have to unlock the red key from the siege boss. Then come down through the golden door and enter the door which will take you to the flame alter room. You have to stay on the top balcony and then go through the far door. After that, go down the steps and enter the next room.

In this room, you have to go to the back and you will find a secret room behind the barrels. In this room, you will find the 8th coin.

Coin 9
For this coin, you have to take a shortcut near the western bell tower and then go to the forbidden pass. After that, use the forbidden pass to get to the quarry.

After entering the quarry, you have to rejoin the commentary. In the commentary, you have to follow the metal rail to cross the bridge and you will see a flame alter checkpoint. You need to pass this checkpoint.

Then move in the forward direction and cross the bridge on your right side, then go to the end of the bridge and walk up the ramp. After that, go to the next ramp and you will find some ledges. You have to go to the top level there you will see another flame checkpoint in front of the monastery. There, you will find a ladder, you have to climb that ladder to the top and you will get the coin in the chest.

Coin 10
You will get the next 4 coins in the swamp/ the old burying ground. For this, you have to turn into a ghost; otherwise, you will not be able to access this area. You can also come here in the daytime but the condition is that you have to unlock the teleport. At night, the gate is always open for you.

Now you have to get on a pillar and teleport across the pillar tops as it will get you over the fence. Before reaching the end of the pillars on the left, there is a small walkway where you will find your 10th coin.

Coin 11
After this, go back to a couple of pillars, and then go to a platform where you will find a ladder. You have to climb up the ladder and then go toward the large skeleton boss thing. After that, go down towards the treasures and you will find the pond where you put the skulls. Next to the tombstone, you will get your 11th coin.

Coin 12
After collecting the 11th coin, you have to go back to the ground floor of the burying ground and you can use the pillars to go back. After that, move in the forward direction until you find the edge of the cliff. You need to turn right and you will find a hidden path. This path will bring you to the chest in which you will get the 12th coin.

Coin 13
For this, you have to go to the ramp and then go towards the cathedral. When you reach the top of the hill, you have to turn right, then move forward and you will find a chest next to a dead tree. You will find a couple of enemies there, so be aware of them.

Coins 14 and 15
For coin 14th and 15th coins, you have to purchase them from the merchants in the game. you will find the merchant in the windmill. The price of each coin is 999 gold. You can grind all these coins in many different ways. But you have to take care of the enemies by not going far from the overworld. You have to turn ON the accessibility mode and also the no-fail as this will help you in grinding the enemies in the quarry which will help you in getting a lot of gold.