In this brief guide, you’ll discover a quick way to move your entire house/lot efficiently to a new location in The Sims 4.
Step 1: Launch The Sims 4 and Access the build mode option, typically found in the upper-right corner of the screen. Now lick the move object (+) icon from the Control panel at the top of the screen in the build mode.
Step 2: After clicking this icon, you’ll see two options for relocation. Click on the first option if you wish to move only your house. If you want to move your entire lot, including the house and outdoor elements like the garden and outdoor objects, select the second option.
Step 3: Once you have chosen the appropriate relocation option, click on your house and select the Move option. This action will allow you to initiate the moving process.
Step 4: If you opted to move your entire lot in Step 2, the process will automatically include all the elements outside of your house, such as the garden and outdoor objects. This ensures that everything associated with your lot is relocated to the new location.